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Paynow (mBank) Brak zmiany statusu po płatności PrestaShop / v1.6.24



PrestaShop (również - moduł w najnowszej wersji v1.6.24

Po dokonaniu prawidłowej płatności (na wersji testowej również) PrestaShop cały czas wyświetla "Oczekuje na płatność". Przeinstalowanie modułu nie pomogło. Muszę ręcznie zmieniać. Miał ktoś coś podobnego lub gdzie szukać przyczyny.

Przykładowy LOG z modułu:

2023-04-19 12:15:46.685512 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 DEBUG Setting optimistic lock on paynow data {cartId=230, externalId=}
2023-04-19 12:15:46.686218 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 WARNING Can't set optimistic lock due empty payment data {cartId=230}
2023-04-19 12:15:46.686408 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 INFO Creating an order from cart {cartId=230, externalId=}
2023-04-19 12:15:51.840850 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 INFO An order has been successfully created {cartId=230, externalId=, orderId=10, orderReference=IULDFFTDK, paymentId=}
2023-04-19 12:15:51.841267 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 DEBUG Unsetting optimistic lock on paynow data {cartId=230, externalId=}
2023-04-19 12:15:51.841721 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 WARNING Can't unset optimistic lock due empty payment data {cartId=230}
2023-04-19 12:15:51.847682 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 INFO Processing payment for order {cartId=230, externalId=IULDFFTDK, orderId=10, orderReference=IULDFFTDK}
2023-04-19 12:15:52.459903 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 DEBUG Deactivating all payments. {"external_id":"IULDFFTDK"}
2023-04-19 12:15:52.460263 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 DEBUG Created new paynow data entry {"id_order":10,"id_cart":"230","id_payment":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","order_reference":"IULDFFTDK","external_id":"IULDFFTDK","status":"NEW","sent_at":"2023-04-19 12:15:52"}
2023-04-19 12:15:52.460401 be29824b4fc8e99f3e46ae4730b3a3e6 INFO Payment has been successfully created {cartId=230, externalId=IULDFFTDK, paymentId=PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU, status=NEW}
2023-04-19 12:15:53.467072 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Incoming notification {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"NEW","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19T12:15:53"}
2023-04-19 12:15:54.539721 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Skipped processing. Order or Cart not found. {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"NEW","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19 12:15:53","responseCode":202}
2023-04-19 12:16:02.403153 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Incoming notification {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"PENDING","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19T12:16:02"}
2023-04-19 12:16:02.408629 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Skipped processing. Order or Cart not found. {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"PENDING","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19 12:16:02","responseCode":202}
2023-04-19 12:16:08.296639 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Incoming notification {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"CONFIRMED","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19T12:16:08"}
2023-04-19 12:16:08.302685 47a9ead6f4a0b23aa8f5c5332c908616 DEBUG Nofification: Skipped processing. Order or Cart not found. {"paymentId":"PBPP-WYI-EAI-8VU","externalId":"IULDFFTDK","status":"CONFIRMED","modifiedAt":"2023-04-19 12:16:08","responseCode":202}

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  On 4/27/2023 at 10:04 AM, ComGrafPL said:

Zgłoś się do twórcy modułu. Tak samo czasem bywało np. z P24, sami takie rzeczy naprawiali na sklepie bądź robili poprawki na module.


Zgłosiłem na github-ie ale od kilku dni brak reakcji stąd moje pytanie czy może ktoś "już to przerabiał". Tak czy tak dzięki za odpowiedź.

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