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[BUG] Discount for Sale Items [BUG]

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that is probably open to debate.

If you have said its now £50.00 in a sale not £100 because you offer 50% discount, if I buy two I expect the price to be no higher than £100.00

Therefore I would expect to see £50 + £50 less 10% = £90

If it was on original price I would have £50.00 and second product at £100 (the original price) less 10% = £135.00 which does not make sense

I think better to change qty discount on product to be what you want on sales items. I know that could be a lot of work if a lot of products are in sales and many qty discounts. I guess its another areas where having a qty discount group that you should apply as an alternative to products would be nice. Then you can just edit one table

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