Hello to all,
I am just starting to develop modules for prestashop. I know very little about the CMS at the moment.
I have two questions to ask you:
- Is it possible to define a new action when a product goes from "Active" to "Inactive"? Example, send an email.
For example, at the moment I can trigger an event (and therefore send this email) when a product is updated thanks to the hook :
But if the product is inactive, every time you click on "SAVE" in product admin page.
I would really like the email to be sent only if the product BECOMES inactive.
This brings me to my second question:
- Is it possible to use the result of an action of a first Hook IN the action of a second Hook?
Indeed, the idea would be to get the "$poduct->active" in the actionObjectProductUpdateBefore hook, in order to compare it to the "$poduct->active" of the actionObjectProductUpdateAfter hook.
If so, how do you advise me to proceed in order to respect the good practices?
Here is my little piece of code :
public function hookActionObjectProductUpdateAfter($params) { $product = $params['object']; if (!$product->active && $product->id) { $emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]']; foreach ($emails as $email) { Mail::send( (int)(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')), 'myCustomMailTemplate', 'Test Mail', array( '{email}' => '[email protected]', '{title}' => 'mail test', '{message}' => 'test message.' ), $email, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . 'mycustommodule/mails' ); } } }
Thank you in advance for your help.