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Official Stripe module V3.0.2 on prestashop 8.0.3 do not work


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I am using prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1

I am testing Official Stripe Module V3.0.2

The module apparenlty gets correctly installed, do connect to stripe, accept test and live public and private keys, everything seems fine in the back office.

I settled the module to redirect the client to Stripe checkout page, trying the process apparently all goes fine, the payment is captured, but when Stripe redirects back to the website I get a fully white blank page.

I checked stripe dev dashboard and got this kind of errors (all alphanumeric codes in the error strings below that I guess have to not be shown in public are replaced by this fake string ab12ab12ab12ab12):

API version 2022-11-15

Origin: Stripe/v1 PhpBindings/9.6.0 StripePrestashop/3.0.2_8.0.3_8.1.17

404 ERR GET /v1/checkout/sessions/pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

resource_missing No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

  "error": {
    "code": "resource_missing",
    "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing",
    "message": "No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs/req_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

I contacted Stripe to try to understand what is going on, I was told this:



 upon checking, pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12 isn't a Checkout session ID, it is a payment intent.

The ID provided is not valid. Either the resource does not exist, or an ID for a different resource has been provided.

If you wish to retrieve the appropriate ID for pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12 you will need to use this endpoint instead: https://stripe.com/docs/api/payment_intents/retrieve



In that document linked by Stripe it this is stated:


Retrieve a PaymentIntent

Retrieves the details of a PaymentIntent that has previously been created.

Client-side retrieval using a publishable key is allowed when the client_secret is provided in the query string.

When retrieved with a publishable key, only a subset of properties will be returned. Please refer to the payment intent object reference for more details.


client_secret Required if using publishable key

The client secret of the PaymentIntent. Required if a publishable key is used to retrieve the source.


Returns a PaymentIntent if a valid identifier was provided.


However, I am not able to to understand what has to be done.

Does anyone know why the latest version of Stripe on latest version of prestashop on PHP 8.1 do have this behavior? What can be done to fix it?

Digging into this issue I also tried to activate debug mode, overall trying several times the checkout process using stripe with different options such as integrated form or redirection to stripe page, with or without authorize and separated capture, the only three kind of error messages I got are these:

An unexpected problem has occurred when retrieve the intent.

Notice on line 1295 in file public_html/modules/stripe_official/stripe_official.php
[8] curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer accepts the value 1, value 2 will be used instead

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/cache/dev/smarty/compile/a5/fd/bd/ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12_2.file.order-confirmation-table.tpl.php on line 218

Line 218 in that file is the following:  <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['type'] !== 'tax' && $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['label'] !== null) {?>

I guess the latter message error is shown in debug mode only.

The behavior of the module/prstashop is the same with or without debug system on

With the occasion I think to have understood that now the prestashop cache is in /var/cache, and no more in /cache, I did nto know this, however raoming ointo the /var/cache folder I noticed that the var/cache/dev(or prod)/smarty folder has a odd permssions set, whiel as far as I know all folders in prestashop should be set to 755, thsi smarty folder is settled to 711, and I could not find infomration on official documentation about thsi particular smarty folder.

Should this folder be 771 or as the others should be 755? (Ialso tied to settle it at 755, but behavior kept to be the same)

I have no more hints for now

Can anyone confirm if Stripe V 3.0.2 on prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1.17 do have bugs or works fine?

Can you please help solve this problem?

Thank you

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Today I tried to clear out if the problem could in an any way be caused by problems caused by prestashop upgrades or third party theme, modules, cofigurations of the shop or whatever else.

To clear out this I used a pristine new prestashop 8.0.4 installation on PHP 8.1 and the (same) latest Stripe official module 3.0.2.

I got the same exact results, so there must be something worng in the module Stripe official and/or prestashop 8.0.x

I too already contacted stripe and so far got no solution, I also contacted prestashop and  received a "write to stripe" response.

Anyone else got these errors?

Please write it here and please contact prestashop and Stripe too.

Does anyone has a clue why this happen?

Thanks in advance.

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i just got a response from Stripe support:



We have found a fix for this issue and it will be released in Version 3.0.3 of the module. We are working on releasing that module over the coming days but as soon as I have a confirmed date I will let you know.



Hope, this 3.0.3. update will help us...

Edited by Maciej Programmer (see edit history)
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  On 4/17/2023 at 10:43 PM, daxit_x said:

I am using prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1

I am testing Official Stripe Module V3.0.2

The module apparenlty gets correctly installed, do connect to stripe, accept test and live public and private keys, everything seems fine in the back office.

I settled the module to redirect the client to Stripe checkout page, trying the process apparently all goes fine, the payment is captured, but when Stripe redirects back to the website I get a fully white blank page.

I checked stripe dev dashboard and got this kind of errors (all alphanumeric codes in the error strings below that I guess have to not be shown in public are replaced by this fake string ab12ab12ab12ab12):

API version 2022-11-15

Origin: Stripe/v1 PhpBindings/9.6.0 StripePrestashop/3.0.2_8.0.3_8.1.17

404 ERR GET /v1/checkout/sessions/pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

resource_missing No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

  "error": {
    "code": "resource_missing",
    "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing",
    "message": "No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs/req_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

I contacted Stripe to try to understand what is going on, I was told this:

In that document linked by Stripe it this is stated:

However, I am not able to to understand what has to be done.

Does anyone know why the latest version of Stripe on latest version of prestashop on PHP 8.1 do have this behavior? What can be done to fix it?

Digging into this issue I also tried to activate debug mode, overall trying several times the checkout process using stripe with different options such as integrated form or redirection to stripe page, with or without authorize and separated capture, the only three kind of error messages I got are these:

An unexpected problem has occurred when retrieve the intent.

Notice on line 1295 in file public_html/modules/stripe_official/stripe_official.php
[8] curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer accepts the value 1, value 2 will be used instead

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/cache/dev/smarty/compile/a5/fd/bd/ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12_2.file.order-confirmation-table.tpl.php on line 218

Line 218 in that file is the following:  <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['type'] !== 'tax' && $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['label'] !== null) {?>

I guess the latter message error is shown in debug mode only.

The behavior of the module/prstashop is the same with or without debug system on

With the occasion I think to have understood that now the prestashop cache is in /var/cache, and no more in /cache, I did nto know this, however raoming ointo the /var/cache folder I noticed that the var/cache/dev(or prod)/smarty folder has a odd permssions set, whiel as far as I know all folders in prestashop should be set to 755, thsi smarty folder is settled to 711, and I could not find infomration on official documentation about thsi particular smarty folder.

Should this folder be 771 or as the others should be 755? (Ialso tied to settle it at 755, but behavior kept to be the same)

I have no more hints for now

Can anyone confirm if Stripe V 3.0.2 on prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1.17 do have bugs or works fine?

Can you please help solve this problem?

Thank you


3.0.2 is for 1.7 , for version 8 you have another version to download

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  On 4/30/2023 at 8:46 AM, abouzouzou said:

just go in addons, download stripe , then choose your prestashop version and you zill see the right version


well ABOUL ZOUZ thanks for you suggestion but if i'm asking for an answer its because i'm having issues with the module, and maybe with the version for 8 that you can see in picture attached, its just non sense 😀 version 2.5 ... ,even 3.02 is making errors ...

Sans 333.png

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  On 4/28/2023 at 11:08 AM, Maciej Programmer said:


i just got a response from Stripe support:

Hope, this 3.0.3. update will help us...


Any news here?
Stripe is saying to me they have nothing to do with the development - I must contact PrestaShop... 💁‍♀️

Also: for any reason, I feel I am missing some of the menus in my installation though I have successfully connected with my Stripe account. Anyone has a clue if this is right? Or what could be wrong?

My PS is 1.7.2, with stripe v3.02.


This is how I think it was supposed to look like:


Thanks a lot for any help!

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  On 4/27/2023 at 5:41 PM, abouzouzou said:

Hello for me i have version 1.7.5 but and 3.0.2 stripe zhen i try a paiment i have an error in checkout.js unexpected token in json


any idea?


In my case the problem was, that I used an email I used in testing mode before. Maybe check the logs under https://dashboard.stripe.com/developers to find out more what went wrong.

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@Ruxandra thanks a lot for confirming this.

For all with this issue, version 3.03 has just been released. This is what I got from Stripe support:



You can download Prestashop with the following link.


When you access the link link, the package containing version 3.0.3 is downloaded: https://prestashop-artifacts.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/stripe_official_3.0.3.zip


You must uninstall their current version and upload v3.0.3 and clear your cache


Haven't tested it yet. Will try and do it today!

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  On 5/3/2023 at 6:23 AM, Fleruy said:

@Ruxandra thanks a lot for confirming this.

For all with this issue, version 3.03 has just been released. This is what I got from Stripe support:

Haven't tested it yet. Will try and do it today!


So, tested now, but unfortunately v3.03 has not fixed the issue. It all seems same as before (order not being created after successful charge).

I just bought this module and it worked just fine. Happy paying to at least finally solve the issue....


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  On 5/3/2023 at 1:02 PM, Fleruy said:

So, tested now, but unfortunately v3.03 has not fixed the issue. It all seems same as before (order not being created after successful charge).

I just bought this module and it worked just fine. Happy paying to at least finally solve the issue....



Hello again,

Now I saw that you are talking about Stripe Payment Pro, which is different from Stripe Official which I mentioned and which is free: Stripe official (SCA-ready) Module - PrestaShop Addons.

I can't give you any help about Stripe Payment Pro.


Edited by Ruxandra (see edit history)
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@Ruxandra I was talking about the module stripe_official (free), which was on version 3.02 until yesterday, then had the version 3.03 just released (I posted the link for download) that was supposed to get the issue from this topic fixed (orders not being created in PS after successful charge on Stripe). But it didn't, unfortunately.

So I shared my solution, which was using another module (Stripe Payment Pro). Which works.

Hope it is clear now...

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  On 5/3/2023 at 1:47 PM, Fleruy said:

@Ruxandra I was talking about the module stripe_official (free), which was on version 3.02 until yesterday, then had the version 3.03 just released (I posted the link for download) that was supposed to get the issue from this topic fixed (orders not being created in PS after successful charge on Stripe). But it didn't, unfortunately.

So I shared my solution, which was using another module (Stripe Payment Pro). Which works.

Hope it is clear now...


Now I got it. 

Can you give more information about the flow for the Stripe official payment that you tried? Are the API Keys successfully connected? What payment methods do you tried and did not work? What country and currency? 


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@Ruxandra @abouzouzou Alan from Stripe support (support-reply@stripe.com) did just offer to try to get it working for me. Reach out to him if you want to try in your store. I gave up. You can see the issue description below (charge is fine, OrderValidation seems to be the problem, something wrong with the webhook).


thanks for getting back to me so quick.


Unfortunately the update did not fix the issue. The orders are not being created after payment with return url 'module/stripe_official/orderConfirmationReturn?cartId=XXXX'.

There seems to be some misconfiguration in the webhook setting:



Anyhow, I have now purchased another module. Gotta have it working and can not wait for further fixes.

Thanks a lot for your help though.



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  On 5/3/2023 at 3:35 PM, abouzouzou said:

any js error ?


@abouzouzou I just tried 3.0.3 version on PS with a live payment and it worked. The js error, I also encountered, is fixed but I my case the problem was that I used an account(email) which I  used in test mode before. Maybe you should have a look at the logs under developer in Stripe backend. I my case I got the error 

resource_missing - id

No such customer: 'cus_xxx'; a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request. Hope you also get it working. Cheers, TripATS


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  On 5/4/2023 at 3:24 AM, tripats said:

@abouzouzou I just tried 3.0.3 version on PS with a live payment and it worked. The js error, I also encountered, is fixed but I my case the problem was that I used an account(email) which I  used in test mode before. Maybe you should have a look at the logs under developer in Stripe backend. I my case I got the error 

resource_missing - id

No such customer: 'cus_xxx'; a similar object exists in test mode, but a live mode key was used to make this request. Hope you also get it working. Cheers, TripATS



so new version is working well ? i can update without any trouble ^^

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@abouzouzou As I said, I made a live payment with my credit card on my shop and it worked. So if there are other issues time will tell but at the moment is seems like it is working. Greetings, TripATS

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Good morning, After the last update to version 3.0.3 in version PrestaShop 1.7.7. all our customers' cards saved for recurring purchases are gone, and there is no longer the option to select "remember card for future purchases". How can I fix?

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  On 5/4/2023 at 7:18 PM, Kevin_97 said:

Good morning, After the last update to version 3.0.3 in version PrestaShop 1.7.7. all our customers' cards saved for recurring purchases are gone, and there is no longer the option to select "remember card for future purchases". How can I fix?


Good morning.

I know what you mean. That setting was removed since version 3.0.0, but you have another option. Since the mentioned version was introduced a new payment method - Link - which saves and autofills payment and shipping information for your customers, so they don’t need to enter their payment details manually, according to this documentation.

Have a nice day.

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  On 4/17/2023 at 10:43 PM, daxit_x said:

I am using prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1

I am testing Official Stripe Module V3.0.2

The module apparenlty gets correctly installed, do connect to stripe, accept test and live public and private keys, everything seems fine in the back office.

I settled the module to redirect the client to Stripe checkout page, trying the process apparently all goes fine, the payment is captured, but when Stripe redirects back to the website I get a fully white blank page.

I checked stripe dev dashboard and got this kind of errors (all alphanumeric codes in the error strings below that I guess have to not be shown in public are replaced by this fake string ab12ab12ab12ab12):

API version 2022-11-15

Origin: Stripe/v1 PhpBindings/9.6.0 StripePrestashop/3.0.2_8.0.3_8.1.17

404 ERR GET /v1/checkout/sessions/pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

resource_missing No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12

  "error": {
    "code": "resource_missing",
    "doc_url": "https://stripe.com/docs/error-codes/resource-missing",
    "message": "No such checkout.session: pi_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs/req_ab12ab12ab12ab12",
    "type": "invalid_request_error"

I contacted Stripe to try to understand what is going on, I was told this:

In that document linked by Stripe it this is stated:

However, I am not able to to understand what has to be done.

Does anyone know why the latest version of Stripe on latest version of prestashop on PHP 8.1 do have this behavior? What can be done to fix it?

Digging into this issue I also tried to activate debug mode, overall trying several times the checkout process using stripe with different options such as integrated form or redirection to stripe page, with or without authorize and separated capture, the only three kind of error messages I got are these:

An unexpected problem has occurred when retrieve the intent.

Notice on line 1295 in file public_html/modules/stripe_official/stripe_official.php
[8] curl_setopt(): CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST no longer accepts the value 1, value 2 will be used instead

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/cache/dev/smarty/compile/a5/fd/bd/ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12ab12_2.file.order-confirmation-table.tpl.php on line 218

Line 218 in that file is the following:  <?php if ($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['type'] !== 'tax' && $_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['subtotal']->value['label'] !== null) {?>

I guess the latter message error is shown in debug mode only.

The behavior of the module/prstashop is the same with or without debug system on

With the occasion I think to have understood that now the prestashop cache is in /var/cache, and no more in /cache, I did nto know this, however raoming ointo the /var/cache folder I noticed that the var/cache/dev(or prod)/smarty folder has a odd permssions set, whiel as far as I know all folders in prestashop should be set to 755, thsi smarty folder is settled to 711, and I could not find infomration on official documentation about thsi particular smarty folder.

Should this folder be 771 or as the others should be 755? (Ialso tied to settle it at 755, but behavior kept to be the same)

I have no more hints for now

Can anyone confirm if Stripe V 3.0.2 on prestashop 8.0.3 on PHP 8.1.17 do have bugs or works fine?

Can you please help solve this problem?

Thank you



I have successfully tested in test mode with the Stripe checkout page setting and for me it's working fine. 

Try to upgrade to version 3.0.3 and after that to Clear Cache from the Prestashop and try again and see if the error persists.

I'm curious what payment method do you used and did not work or what is the flow to get this error?


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Hi Ruxandra

I tested the latest offical stripe module version 3.0.3 on a pristine prestashop test installation v 8.0.4 without third party.

I tried it also on a live prestashop installation upgraded from prestashop 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 and then to 8.0.4

Both installations are on PHP 8.1

The errors I got are the same on both installations.

The flow is the following

Install the Stripe official module 3.0.3

Connect to stripe, input the private and public test keys

Set the module to redirect to stripe page and Enable separate authorization and capture. Add some catch status to automaticall capture the payment at a later time when e.g the order status is changed to payment accepted or processing in progress... Save

Clear PS cache, clear browser cache and delete cookies on pc

Go to the front office, add some item to cart, checkout and use a test card, you get apparently a finalised transaction, then wit quite some time for the redirect to the website, when you land back you get the error telling that the transaction was not done, in the backoffice there is no order, but on the stripe account the transaction is marked as succesful

go to backoffice, enable debug mode, again clear cache/cookies and so on, repeat the test, you get the same results and you do see how PS does not show any debug message, as if it is working while is not.

Furthermore after a few days, I got an email from stripe telling that the webhook (https://yourwebsite.com/module/stripe_official/webhook) is not good

The automated email text from stripe  is the following:



We encountered problems when sending test mode requests to a webhook endpoint associated with your yourwebsite.com account. Stripe sends webhook events to your server to inform you of activity occurring on your Stripe account, such as executing a transfer or creating an invoice.

The URL of the webhook endpoint with errors is: https://yourwebsite.com/module/stripe_official/webhook

Your Stripe account has been configured by you (or someone on your team) to send events to that URL. You can change your account's webhook endpoints from the Dashboard.

In most cases a webhook with errors will not affect payments or transfers. However:

If you use subscriptions, we rely on the webhook endpoint to alert you to new invoices. Such invoices could be delayed up to three days if the endpoint is unable to receive them correctly.

If you use Checkout and rely on the checkout.session.completed event for the purchase completion process, you should check completed payments to ensure that you have processed all recent purchases.

We attempted event notifications to this endpoint 83 times after the first recorded failed attempt.

If this endpoint is important to your application, please try to resolve the issue. If you don't need the webhook endpoint, you can delete it from Stripe's webhook settings. We will stop sending event notifications to this webhook endpoint by xx May 2023.

Here is a summary of the errors we received while trying to send webhook events:

83 requests had other errors while sending the webhook event.

A status code between HTTP 200 and 299 must be returned for Stripe to consider the webhook event correctly delivered.

For more details on these errors and to check recent activity in your account, see the full list of events and request logs in the Dashboard.

For more information on the use of webhooks, please see our documentation.


The Stripe team 



The above message from stripe is related to the test website on which there are no third parties modules or themes, just a plain pristine PS 8.0.4 installation with demo products (I got the exact same email message for the live website tough)

At the moment I am stuck with stripe module, I do not like to use the integrated payment form from this new stripe module version, the module assumes that the name of the card holder is the same of the user logged in placing the order, this cannot be always the case, also I do not like the graphical presentation of the module.

I could let it go witht he integrated payment form if at least the module would let the customers insert the card holder name as they need depending on the case, in fact not necessarily the user logged is the holder of the credit card, e.g. could be an employee having a card from the company, or could be an employee logged in with the account of a colleague and using a won card or a company card, or could be a user logged with an account of the company and for some reason use a own credit card at his own name, could be the account of a person using a partner's card, could be an account in which the person used a short nickname and is using a card in which of course the holder name is the official full one... and so on.

Beside that there are also other reasons for which I always prefer that the payment is done on a a redirect page on the stripe domain and not directly on my website.

So at the moment I disabled the official stripe module and I am waiting for a solution.

Unfortunately I am unable to fix it by myself.

I have no idea if it is due to prestashop, tothe module or both, I wont be surprised if prestashop 8x has something worng too in this respect.

I wandering in the blue, I got no idea what to look at by now, should I also check something on the server? Prestashop during installation did not show incompatibilities or missing requisites.

However, I hope it will soon be fixed.

Thank you

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  On 5/8/2023 at 5:36 PM, daxit_x said:

Hi Ruxandra

I tested the latest offical stripe module version 3.0.3 on a pristine prestashop test installation v 8.0.4 without third party.

I tried it also on a live prestashop installation upgraded from prestashop 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 and then to 8.0.4

Both installations are on PHP 8.1

The errors I got are the same on both installations.

The flow is the following

Install the Stripe official module 3.0.3

Connect to stripe, input the private and public test keys

Set the module to redirect to stripe page and Enable separate authorization and capture. Add some catch status to automaticall capture the payment at a later time when e.g the order status is changed to payment accepted or processing in progress... Save

Clear PS cache, clear browser cache and delete cookies on pc

Go to the front office, add some item to cart, checkout and use a test card, you get apparently a finalised transaction, then wit quite some time for the redirect to the website, when you land back you get the error telling that the transaction was not done, in the backoffice there is no order, but on the stripe account the transaction is marked as succesful

go to backoffice, enable debug mode, again clear cache/cookies and so on, repeat the test, you get the same results and you do see how PS does not show any debug message, as if it is working while is not.

Furthermore after a few days, I got an email from stripe telling that the webhook (https://yourwebsite.com/module/stripe_official/webhook) is not good

The automated email text from stripe  is the following:

The above message from stripe is related to the test website on which there are no third parties modules or themes, just a plain pristine PS 8.0.4 installation with demo products (I got the exact same email message for the live website tough)

At the moment I am stuck with stripe module, I do not like to use the integrated payment form from this new stripe module version, the module assumes that the name of the card holder is the same of the user logged in placing the order, this cannot be always the case, also I do not like the graphical presentation of the module.

I could let it go witht he integrated payment form if at least the module would let the customers insert the card holder name as they need depending on the case, in fact not necessarily the user logged is the holder of the credit card, e.g. could be an employee having a card from the company, or could be an employee logged in with the account of a colleague and using a won card or a company card, or could be a user logged with an account of the company and for some reason use a own credit card at his own name, could be the account of a person using a partner's card, could be an account in which the person used a short nickname and is using a card in which of course the holder name is the official full one... and so on.

Beside that there are also other reasons for which I always prefer that the payment is done on a a redirect page on the stripe domain and not directly on my website.

So at the moment I disabled the official stripe module and I am waiting for a solution.

Unfortunately I am unable to fix it by myself.

I have no idea if it is due to prestashop, tothe module or both, I wont be surprised if prestashop 8x has something worng too in this respect.

I wandering in the blue, I got no idea what to look at by now, should I also check something on the server? Prestashop during installation did not show incompatibilities or missing requisites.

However, I hope it will soon be fixed.

Thank you



Thanks for the details, there seems to be an error from the module. Do you have access to the database for detailed debug?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 5/8/2023 at 5:36 PM, daxit_x said:

hola ruxandra

Probé la última versión 3.0.3 del módulo de banda oficial en una instalación de prueba prístina de prestashop v 8.0.4 sin terceros.

También lo probé en una instalación prestashop en vivo actualizada de prestashop 8.0.2 a 8.0.3 y luego a 8.0.4

Ambas instalaciones están en PHP 8.1

Los errores que obtuve son los mismos en ambas instalaciones.

El flujo es el siguiente

Instalar el módulo oficial de Stripe 3.0.3

Conéctese a stripe, ingrese las claves de prueba públicas y privadas

Configure el módulo para redirigir a la página de franjas y habilite la autorización y la captura por separado. Agregue algún estado de captura para capturar automáticamente el pago en un momento posterior cuando, por ejemplo, el estado del pedido cambia a pago aceptado o procesamiento en curso... Guardar

Borrar caché de PS, borrar caché del navegador y eliminar cookies en la PC

Vaya a la oficina principal, agregue algún artículo al carrito, pague y use una tarjeta de prueba, aparentemente obtiene una transacción finalizada, luego con bastante tiempo para la redirección al sitio web, cuando regresa, recibe el error que indica que la transacción no se hizo, en el backoffice no hay pedido, pero en la cuenta de stripe la transacción está marcada como exitosa

vaya a backoffice, habilite el modo de depuración, vuelva a borrar caché/cookies y así sucesivamente, repita la prueba, obtendrá los mismos resultados y verá cómo PS no muestra ningún mensaje de depuración, como si estuviera funcionando mientras no lo está.

Además, después de unos días, recibí un correo electrónico de Stripe diciendo que el webhook ( https://yourwebsite.com/module/stripe_official/webhook) no es bueno

El texto del correo electrónico automatizado de stripe es el siguiente:

El mensaje anterior de stripe está relacionado con el sitio web de prueba en el que no hay módulos o temas de terceros, solo una instalación de PS 8.0.4 simple y prístina con productos de demostración (recibí exactamente el mismo mensaje de correo electrónico para el sitio web en vivo)

En este momento estoy atascado con el módulo stripe, no me gusta usar el formulario de pago integrado de esta nueva versión del módulo stripe, el módulo asume que el nombre del titular de la tarjeta es el mismo del usuario que inició sesión al realizar el pedido, esto no puede ser siempre el caso, tampoco me gusta la presentación gráfica del módulo.

Podría dejarlo ir con el formulario de pago integrado si al menos el módulo permitiera a los clientes insertar el nombre del titular de la tarjeta según lo necesiten según el caso, de hecho, no necesariamente el usuario registrado es el titular de la tarjeta de crédito, por ejemplo, podría ser un empleado que tiene una tarjeta de la empresa, o podría ser un empleado conectado con la cuenta de un colega y usando una tarjeta ganada o una tarjeta de la empresa, o podría ser un usuario conectado con una cuenta de la empresa y por alguna razón usa un propia tarjeta de crédito a su propio nombre, podría ser la cuenta de una persona que usa la tarjeta de un socio, podría ser una cuenta en la que la persona usó un apodo corto y está usando una tarjeta en la que, por supuesto, el nombre del titular es el oficial completo. .. etcétera.

Además de eso, también hay otras razones por las que siempre prefiero que el pago se realice en una página de redirección en el dominio de la franja y no directamente en mi sitio web.

Así que por el momento deshabilité el módulo oficial de stripe y estoy esperando una solución.

Desafortunadamente, no puedo arreglarlo yo solo.

No tengo idea si se debe a prestashop, al módulo oa ambos, no me sorprendería si prestashop 8x también tiene algo en este sentido.

Estoy deambulando en el azul, no tengo idea de qué mirar ahora, ¿también debería verificar algo en el servidor? Prestashop durante la instalación no mostró incompatibilidades o requisitos faltantes.

Sin embargo, espero que pronto se solucione.



Hello, did I solve the problem? I have the same problem with the latest Stripe module v3.0.5 and Prestashop 8.0.4. Previously in it also had it. The payment is generated on the Stripe website (sometimes duplicated as well) and the customer receives an error (white screen message). The product remains in the cart and the order is not generated in prestashop. An error that I think is from the module.
Any payment module that solves this? I would appreciate.

Edited by rubiotel (see edit history)
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  On 5/27/2023 at 1:52 PM, rubiotel said:

Hello, did I solve the problem? I have the same problem with the latest Stripe module v3.0.5 and Prestashop 8.0.4. Previously in it also had it. The payment is generated on the Stripe website (sometimes duplicated as well) and the customer receives an error (white screen message). The product remains in the cart and the order is not generated in prestashop. An error that I think is from the module.
Any payment module that solves this? I would appreciate.


Hello, I don't know what causing this error, I can't replicate the duplicates, for me the module it's working fine.

Do you know what is the flow to reproduce the duplicates?

There are some logs in stripe_official_processlogger table.

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  On 5/29/2023 at 7:14 AM, Ruxandra said:

Hola, no se que causa este error, no puedo replicar los duplicados, para mi el modulo esta funcionando bien.

¿Sabes cuál es el flujo para reproducir los duplicados?

Hay algunos registros en la tabla stripe_official_processlogger  .


The truth is that I am not a programmer and I have solved it with a payment module. If you have a store in production you can't wait for them to fix the problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a problem with the Stripe module connected to Prestashop , from the installation, it worked for a while then not. Now I switched to <Integrated payment form> and  see, that it works but option< Redirect to Stripe> is not working. I had Stripe in 1.6 Presta and it worked properly. I start to think about changing card payment provider

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  On 6/13/2023 at 6:46 PM, maride8 said:

I have a problem with the Stripe module connected to Prestashop , from the installation, it worked for a while then not. Now I switched to <Integrated payment form> and  see, that it works but option< Redirect to Stripe> is not working. I had Stripe in 1.6 Presta and it worked properly. I start to think about changing card payment provider


Try Klarna, If the Stripe Module does not work you should ask the developer or Stripe if they have an idea.

  On 6/13/2023 at 7:42 PM, rubiotel said:

The funny thing is that if you buy a payment module, it works perfectly and better.


that is how should do don't you think?

Edited by Nickz (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 5/8/2023 at 5:36 PM, daxit_x said:

Hi Ruxandra

I tested the latest offical stripe module version 3.0.3 on a pristine prestashop test installation v 8.0.4 without third party.

I tried it also on a live prestashop installation upgraded from prestashop 8.0.2 to 8.0.3 and then to 8.0.4

Both installations are on PHP 8.1

The errors I got are the same on both installations.

The flow is the following

Install the Stripe official module 3.0.3

Connect to stripe, input the private and public test keys

Set the module to redirect to stripe page and Enable separate authorization and capture. Add some catch status to automaticall capture the payment at a later time when e.g the order status is changed to payment accepted or processing in progress... Save

Clear PS cache, clear browser cache and delete cookies on pc

Go to the front office, add some item to cart, checkout and use a test card, you get apparently a finalised transaction, then wit quite some time for the redirect to the website, when you land back you get the error telling that the transaction was not done, in the backoffice there is no order, but on the stripe account the transaction is marked as succesful

go to backoffice, enable debug mode, again clear cache/cookies and so on, repeat the test, you get the same results and you do see how PS does not show any debug message, as if it is working while is not.

Furthermore after a few days, I got an email from stripe telling that the webhook (https://yourwebsite.com/module/stripe_official/webhook) is not good

The automated email text from stripe  is the following:

The above message from stripe is related to the test website on which there are no third parties modules or themes, just a plain pristine PS 8.0.4 installation with demo products (I got the exact same email message for the live website tough)

At the moment I am stuck with stripe module, I do not like to use the integrated payment form from this new stripe module version, the module assumes that the name of the card holder is the same of the user logged in placing the order, this cannot be always the case, also I do not like the graphical presentation of the module.

I could let it go witht he integrated payment form if at least the module would let the customers insert the card holder name as they need depending on the case, in fact not necessarily the user logged is the holder of the credit card, e.g. could be an employee having a card from the company, or could be an employee logged in with the account of a colleague and using a won card or a company card, or could be a user logged with an account of the company and for some reason use a own credit card at his own name, could be the account of a person using a partner's card, could be an account in which the person used a short nickname and is using a card in which of course the holder name is the official full one... and so on.

Beside that there are also other reasons for which I always prefer that the payment is done on a a redirect page on the stripe domain and not directly on my website.

So at the moment I disabled the official stripe module and I am waiting for a solution.

Unfortunately I am unable to fix it by myself.

I have no idea if it is due to prestashop, tothe module or both, I wont be surprised if prestashop 8x has something worng too in this respect.

I wandering in the blue, I got no idea what to look at by now, should I also check something on the server? Prestashop during installation did not show incompatibilities or missing requisites.

However, I hope it will soon be fixed.

Thank you


We have a similar issue on a fresh installation of PS 8.1.0 and latest Stripe official module.

Payment is received, order is created in BO but without status and we don't get the email of new order notification..

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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...

Stripe Prestashop documentation:


You won’t need to configure webhooks in order for the module to work, this is handled automatically.


However the webhook does not work. Tried to add webhook manually but Prestashop requires 32 characters for webhook ID and Stripe has 27 characters.

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  On 7/25/2024 at 12:30 PM, kamppa said:

Tried to add webhook manually but Prestashop requires 32 characters for webhook ID and Stripe has 27 characters.


Send a ticket to stripe, explain in detail the differences in numbers and most likely is that they provide you with a solution.
Be so kind and post their answer here.

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They most likely won't bother fixing it in a timely manner. I will rather pay that 84 € for third party module to get it working.

The problem with official module is that payments that are "Awaiting for payment confirmation" never change status in Prestashop without working webhook. Checking them manually is not good enough.

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