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Bankwire displayed info differs from DB registered info.


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Hey prestashoppers, 

Today I will introduce you to this crazy and IDK why issue that's currently happening.

With the bank wire payment module, I registered the info of my currently bank and it goes to the database. 

image.thumb.png.9dd2bd0aa6b3fcb5388dcce60ee71cdf.png image.thumb.png.9a9bbf4542bc0a18cca491ce068c19d4.png 


At the store front end the thing is completly different, it shows me another bank account, that I had before, and it stay there as a text maybe? somewhere in the code. 



So, after being diving for a while into the different file, and without success, the question... do you know where can I find if this data is written as part of some code file?  or any idea that you can give me? ? 



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2 hours ago, TiaNex Shopping said:

you need to clear the cache,

the tmp file in modules/bankwire/views/front or hook,

and the same postion in the current theme

Thanks, I did it already, and it doesnt work... It is weird, because after the checkout process the email the site send has the right bank info. Is only in the checkout process. 

I even reset the bankwire module


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