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Cart problem

Mauro Dream Bikes

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Hi everyone, for over a week I have had a problem with my shop ( https://www.dream-bikes.it/shop_17/en/ ), when you click on the button to add any product to the cart, the "loading" symbol appears and remains in that condition, giving the impression that the product is not added to the cart and that there is a malfunction on the website. The animation that simulates adding to the cart does not work and no symbol of a new product added appears on the cart. However, if I refresh the page or if I click on the cart , I can see that in reality the product has been added, however few people manage to make this check and desist in attempting the purchase, rightly thinking of a malfunction of the website. This apparently trivial problem causes me considerable economic damage. no changes have been made recently to the website, after the problem appeared I only tried to update the "cart" module but nothing changed. I asked the webmaster for help but at the moment he hasn't done anything yet and I'm in trouble so any suggestion or help is welcome! Prestashop is in version while the template is Alysum 5.3.8. Thank you!!!

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