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Different currencies for products


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Is it with Prestashop 1.7. and 8 can be set so that the products have different currencies ? eg product 1 in euros, product 2 in dollars? Where is it possible to set 1 euro for a product and 2 dollars for a product?



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That can't be the case with me. I would like to achieve such an effect that the product, for example, named 1 is in euros, and the product named 2 is in dollars. I saw something like this in a store somewhere. I just don't know if some additional module was responsible for this. These prices for e.g. product 1 in euros and product 2 in dollars must be for all customer groups. I understand that there is no possibility in Prestashop to assign a specific currency to a product so as to achieve the effect that different currencies could be used for different products?

Edited by sylwekb (see edit history)
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What in case where you display Prodyct 1 in € and Product 2 in $ and customer put them together to cart? What cart should display?

PrestaShop allows you to have many currencies but you can have active in cart only one at the time. You can set to any product any price in different currencies.

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I thought there was such a solution that in the case when product 1 is in euros and product 2 in dollars, the basket would be divided into 2 parts and both products would be shown in 2 currencies and the transfer also in 2 currencies. However, as far as I can see, no one has come across such a solution.

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