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Add the function to /override/classes/Link.php

If that file doesn't exist yet, just create it exactly as follows:


class Link extends LinkCore {

    public function getCategoryName( $id_category ){
        $idLang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $categoryObject = $this->getCategoryObject($id_category, $idLang);
        return $categoryObject->name;

Also, if you need to create the override file, you'll need to regenerate the class index.

To do that, just delete /var/cache/prod/class_index.php and /var/cache/dev/class_index.php



Add the function to /overrides/classes/Link.php

If that file doesn't exist yet, just create it exactly as follows:


class Link extends LinkCore {

    public function getCategoryName( $id_category ){
        $idLang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
        $categoryObject = $this->getCategoryObject($id_category, $idLang);
        return $categoryObject->name;

Also, if you need to create the override file, you'll need to regenerate the class index.

To do that, just delete /var/cache/prod/class_index.php and /var/cache/dev/class_index.php

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