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How to just change order 'status' in BO/orders


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Ok I am running PS and things may have been upgraded.

But when an order has been paid by paypal 6 months ago. You are unable to do any Paypal refunds and order cancellation from BO/orders page.

Manually, no problrm in refunding direct through Paypal. But there is no way you can change the PS order status to 'cancelled'

Any ideas best way of doing it directly in mysql.

Many thanks

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Hello @gray

Suppose you don't want an automatic refund from PrestaShop, and you will manually manage the refund for that order from PayPal. In that case, you need to modify the PayPal payment module of PrestaShop. After that modification, you can cancel the order from Prestashop BO/Order directly.

Please follow the following steps for the PayPal module modification process.

Step 1: Goto Paypal payment module
Step 2: Goto Experience Tab inside the Paypal Payment Module


Then go to order section



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Hi - Thanks, but unfortuneatly that does not work for me.

All Paypal settings cvhanged as above. When selecting 'refunded' it says 'the order should be refunded before the cancellation'. If I do not want Paypal to automatically refund, I need to change customer order status within paypal module, and select 'no action'. Which has been done.

All I want is to change the PS order status to 'cancelled', maybe just within mysql

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Sorry I cannot give any screenshots (as its in the past on a live shop). PS1.7.7.6

Trying to explain.

Had to refund customer, and tried through PS/admin order page via the 'refunded' on the order status pull down. But it threw an error, saying Paypal payment was to old, and no refund could be issued.

So I went into Paypal and manually refunded customer. OK no problem.

Went back into PS/admin order page and tried to 'canceled' on the order status pull down. But it threw an error that the order could not be cancelled, until it was refunded.

This is where PS/admin order page does not accept the 'refunded, and you are in the vicous circle.


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Hello @gray

If you applied the changes we mentioned for PayPal, then you can perform direct order cancellation from PS/BO/Order. 

Still, this does not work for you; you can change the order status to Refund and change it again to cancel. (Don’t worry. As per the settings we suggested, no order refund will be done through Paypal automatically)

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