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David Remus

David Remus



I wanna ask if it's possible to force order confirmation link, to be static, something that can be easily track by GA4. Basically, after order is placed, i want to redirect to something like www.myshop.com/order-confirmed, instead of www.myshop.com/order-confirmed?key=xxx&id_cart=123&id_module=123&id_order=1234


Thank you!

David Remus

David Remus



I wanna ask if it's possible to force order confirmation link, to be static, something that can be easily track by GA4. Basically, after order is placed, i want to redirect to something www.myshop.com/order-confirmed, instead of www.myshop.com/order-confirmed?key=xxx&id_cart=123&id_module=123&id_order=1234


Thank you!

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