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Nietypowy Informatyk

Nietypowy Informatyk


I am developing a module, where user can configure certain parameters of the product - such as color, size, etc. 
The only thing I can't get to work is the fact, that entries in ps_cart_product are being stored with product_id as a primary key. And I need to allow users to add same product twice to the cart (with different color for example) - is there a way to do it? 

I was thinking about generating id_product with something like UUID, but then I would probably break a couple of things :D

Any help would be appreciated! 

Kind regards,

Nietypowy Informatyk

Nietypowy Informatyk


I am developing a module, where user can configure certain parameters of the product - such as color, size, etc. 
The only thing I can't get to work is the fact, that entries in ps_cart_product are being stored with product_id as a primary key. And I need to allow users to add same product twice to the cart (with different color for example) - is there a way to do it? 

I was thinking about generating id_product with something like UUID, but then I would probably brake a couple of things :D

Any help would be appreciated! 

Kind regards,

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