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Insert in Database

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Hi, i need help with some code, i have 2 modules one is QUICKLOGIN and another is WKREWARDS, i need to make some modification in QUICK login add some INPUT FORMS, which i need to write something into database, so i tried INSERT something into database FIRST, but i dont know how to do it correctly, i tried more ways, DB class in DEVDOCS didnt help, so im here to ask you. How can i insert something into database, code working, no error, but nothing has been added in table. thak you for your help guys.




 * 2007-2015 Leotheme




 * Leo Quick Login And Social Login




 *  @author    leotheme <[email protected]>

 *  @copyright 2007-2015 Leotheme

 *  @license   http://leotheme.com - prestashop template provider



use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Crypto\Hashing;


//use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Crypto\Hashing as Crypto;


class LeoQuickloginLeoCustomerModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController



    public $php_self;


    public function displayAjax()


        // Add or remove product with Ajax

        $context = Context::getContext();

        $action = Tools::getValue('action');


        $array_result = array();

        $errors = array();

        $success = array();

        // Instance of module class for translations

        //DONGND:: reset password

        if ($action == 'reset-pass') {

            //DONGND:: check validate

            if (!($email = trim(Tools::getValue('lql-email-reset'))) || !Validate::isEmail($email)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid email address', 'leocustomer');

            } else {

                //DONGND:: check email exist

                $customer = new Customer();


                if (is_null($customer->email)) {

                    $customer->email = $email;



                if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($customer)) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('This email is not registered as an account', 'leocustomer');

                } elseif (!$customer->active) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('You cannot regenerate the password for this account.', 'leocustomer');

                } elseif ((strtotime($customer->last_passwd_gen . '+' . ($minTime = (int) Configuration::get('PS_PASSWD_TIME_FRONT')) . ' minutes') - time()) > 0) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('You can regenerate your password only every ', 'leocustomer') . (int) $minTime . $this->l(' minute(s)', 'leocustomer');

                } else {

                    if (!$customer->hasRecentResetPasswordToken()) {





                    //DONGND:: send mail to reset password

                    $mailParams = array(

                        '{email}' => $customer->email,

                        '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,

                        '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,

                        '{url}' => $this->context->link->getPageLink('password', true, null, 'token=' . $customer->secure_key . '&id_customer=' . (int) $customer->id . '&reset_token=' . $customer->reset_password_token),



                    if (Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'password_query', $this->l('Password query confirmation', 'leocustomer'), $mailParams, $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname)) {

                        $success[] = $this->l('If this email address has been registered in our shop, you will receive a link to reset your password at ', 'leocustomer');

                    } else {

                        $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while sending the email.', 'leocustomer');






        //DONGND:: customer login

        if ($action == 'customer-login') {

            //DONGND:: check validate

            if (!($email = trim(Tools::getValue('lql_email_login'))) || !Validate::isEmail($email)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid email address', 'leocustomer');


            if (!($pass = trim(Tools::getValue('lql_pass_login'))) || !Validate::isPasswd($pass)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid password', 'leocustomer');


            if (!Tools::getValue('lql_remember_login') && Configuration::get('LEOQUICKLOGIN_ENABLE_CHECKCOOKIE') && (int) Configuration::get('LEOQUICKLOGIN_LIFETIME_COOKIE') != 0) {

                $this->context->cookie->customer_last_activity = time();


            if (!count($errors)) {



                //DONGND:: check email exist

                $customer = new Customer();

                $authentication = $customer->getByEmail($email, $pass);


                if (isset($authentication->active) && !$authentication->active) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('Your account isn\'t available at this time, please contact us', 'leocustomer');

                } elseif (!$authentication || !$customer->id || $customer->is_guest) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('Authentication failed.', 'leocustomer');

                } else {

                    //DONGND:: update cookie to login



                    Hook::exec('actionAuthentication', array('customer' => $this->context->customer));



                    // Login information have changed, so we check if the cart rules still apply



                    $success[] = $this->l('You have successfully logged in', 'leocustomer');





        //DONGND:: create new account

        if ($action == 'create-account') {

            //DONGND:: check validate

            if (!($email = trim(Tools::getValue('lql-register-email'))) || !Validate::isEmail($email)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid email address', 'leocustomer');


            if (!($pass = trim(Tools::getValue('lql-register-pass'))) || !Validate::isPasswd($pass)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid password', 'leocustomer');



            if (!($firstname = trim(Tools::getValue('lql-register-firstname'))) || !Validate::isName($firstname)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid first name', 'leocustomer');


            if (!($lastname = trim(Tools::getValue('lql-register-lastname'))) || !Validate::isName($lastname)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid last name', 'leocustomer');



            if (!count($errors)) {

                //DONGND:: check email exist to register

                if (Customer::customerExists($email, true, true)) {

                    $errors[] = $this->l('This email is already used, please choose another one or sign in', 'leocustomer');

                } else {

                    $hookResult = array_reduce(

                        Hook::exec('actionSubmitAccountBefore', array(), null, true),

                        function ($carry, $item) {

                            return $carry && $item;




                    //DONGND:: add new account

                    $customer = new Customer();

                    $customer->firstname = $firstname;

                    $customer->lastname = $lastname;

                    $customer->email = $email;

                    $customer->passwd = $this->get('hashing')->hash($pass, _COOKIE_KEY_);

                    if (Configuration::get('LEOQUICKLOGIN_ENABLE_Gender')) {

                        $customer->id_gender = Tools::getValue('lql-gender');


                    if (Configuration::get('LEOQUICKLOGIN_ENABLE_Newsletter')) {

                        $customer->newsletter = Tools::getValue('lql-newsletter');



                    if ($hookResult && $customer->save()) {



                        //DONGND:: send mail new account

                        if (!$customer->is_guest && Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_CREATION_EMAIL')) {

                            Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'account', $this->l('Welcome!', 'leocustomer'), array(

                                '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,

                                '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,

                                '{email}' => $customer->email), $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname);



                        Hook::exec('actionCustomerAccountAdd', array(

                            'newCustomer' => $customer,


                        //THIS IS WHERE I WANT TO INSERT IN TO DATABASE.

                        $request = "INSERT INTO `prstshp_wk_reward_customer_referral_code` (`id_customer`, `id_shop`, `referal_code `, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (10, 10, '2kakka', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))";



// Create connection

$servername = "xxxxx";

$username = "xxxxx";

$password = "xxxxx";

$dbname = "xxxx";


$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname) or die('Error connecting to mysql: '.mysql_error());

if (!$conn) {

    die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());




   $sql =  "INSERT INTO `prstshp_wk_reward_redeem_point ` (`id_customer`) VALUES (10) WHERE (`id_reward_redeem_point`) = '1'";


  if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {

    echo "New record created successfully";

  } else {

    echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($conn);




$sql = "INSERT INTO MyGuests (firstname, lastname, email)

VALUES ('John', 'Doe', '[email protected]')";

                        $request = "INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'wk_reward_redeem_point` (`id_customer`) VALUES (10) WHERE (`id_reward_redeem_point`) = '1'";


                     @var bool $result

                        $result = $db->execute($request);*/

                        /*$result = $db->insert('prstshp_wk_reward_redeem_point', [

                            'id_reward_redeem_point' => '4',

                            'id_shop' => '4',

                            'id_customer' => '4',

                            'point' => '4.000000',

                            'active' => '0',

                            'stage' => '0',

                            'id_cart_rule' => '5',

                            'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

                            'date_upd' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),

                            'test' => 'hhhh',

                            'test1' => 'ggg',



                        $success[] = $this->l('You have successfully created a new account', 'leocustomer');

                    } else {

                        $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while creating the new account.', 'leocustomer');






        //DONGND:: create new account

        if ($action == 'social-login') {

            if (!($email = trim(Tools::getValue('email'))) || !Validate::isEmail($email)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid email address', 'leocustomer');



            if (!($firstname = trim(Tools::getValue('first_name'))) || !Validate::isName($firstname)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid first name', 'leocustomer');


            if (!($lastname = trim(Tools::getValue('last_name'))) || !Validate::isName($lastname)) {

                $errors[] = $this->l('Invalid last name', 'leocustomer');



            if (!count($errors)) {

                if (Customer::customerExists($email, true, true)) {



                    //DONGND:: check email exist

                    $customer = new Customer();

                    $authentication = $customer->getByEmail(Tools::getValue('email'), null, true);


                    if (isset($authentication->active) && !$authentication->active) {

                        $errors[] = $this->l('Your account isn\'t available at this time, please contact us', 'leocustomer');

                    } elseif (!$authentication || !$customer->id || $customer->is_guest) {

                        $errors[] = $this->l('Authentication failed.', 'leocustomer');

                    } else {

                        //DONGND:: update cookie to login



                        Hook::exec('actionAuthentication', array('customer' => $this->context->customer));


                        // Login information have changed, so we check if the cart rules still apply



                        $success[] = $this->l('You have successfully logged in', 'leocustomer');


                } else {

                    $hookResult = array_reduce(

                        Hook::exec('actionSubmitAccountBefore', array(), null, true),

                        function ($carry, $item) {

                            return $carry && $item;




                    //DONGND:: add new account

                    $customer = new Customer();

                    $customer->firstname = $firstname;

                    $customer->lastname = $lastname;

                    $customer->email = $email;

                    $password = Tools::passwdGen();

                    $customer->passwd = $this->get('hashing')->hash($password, _COOKIE_KEY_);


                    if ($hookResult && $customer->save()) {



                        //DONGND:: send mail new account

                        if (!$customer->is_guest && Configuration::get('PS_CUSTOMER_CREATION_EMAIL')) {

                            Mail::Send($this->context->language->id, 'account_social', $this->l('Welcome!', 'leocustomer'), array(

                                '{firstname}' => $customer->firstname,

                                '{lastname}' => $customer->lastname,

                                '{email}' => $customer->email,

                                '{password}' => $password), $customer->email, $customer->firstname . ' ' . $customer->lastname, null, null, null, null, _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->module->name . '/mails/');



                        Hook::exec('actionCustomerAccountAdd', array('newCustomer' => $customer));

                        $success[] = $this->l('You have successfully created a new account', 'leocustomer');

                    } else {

                        $errors[] = $this->l('An error occurred while creating the new account.', 'leocustomer');






        $array_result['success'] = $success;

        $array_result['errors'] = $errors;





     * @see FrontController::initContent()


    public function initContent()


        $this->php_self = 'leocustomer';


        if (Tools::getValue('ajax')) {







As i said i tried many ways , so some are commeted.

This is where it started, and also its my last test.ň


$request = "INSERT INTO `prstshp_wk_reward_customer_referral_code` (`id_customer`, `id_shop`, `referal_code `, `date_add`, `date_upd`) VALUES (10, 10, '2kakka', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))";


Thank you again.

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    array (
        'id_customer' => (int)$customer->id,
        'id_shop' => (int)$this->context->shop->id,
        'referal_code' => (string)'2kakka',
        'date_add' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 
        'date_upd' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
    ), true, false, Db::REPLACE, false

$getInsertedId = Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID();


Edited by ps8moduly.cz (see edit history)
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