Jump to content is SO SLOW


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Such problems occur after a Prestashop upgrade, or too many categories, an error in one of the modules.
Can you please write us more information?
If you turn on debug mode, it is likely that some error will appear and we will have something to bounce back from.
Thus, it is not possible to determine the cause of the slowdown.

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I have disabled non-Prestashop modules. Nothing changes.

I have disabled overrides. Nothing changes.


At each of those stages I have deleted the cache files as you suggested earlier. I have closed the browser in question as well. Nothing changes.


I have changed the default language back to English US. I have disabled the en-GB language. 


Yet I still get errors in translations to en-GB. Even though it is disabled.


I have also checked the webserver, phpmyadmin is set as English, not English (United Kingdom)

Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 21.52.34.png

Edited by DogDayz
Adding more information. (see edit history)
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I give up now. What tosh.


The website has now lost loads of data. Products missing their images, yet they show own back office. Banner and sliders reverted back to the template versions.!!


Rubbish. Starting to see why people pay for wix, woo and others.

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The alerts announced in the Debug only concern the absence of English translation, which is totally normal since English is the native development language in the solution, so the software uses the original texts without the need for translation, the translation system, in the case of English, is only used to customize certain texts.

For slowness concerns, at no time do you specify the exact configuration of the Performance page of your installation.

You can refer to my article to find out how to configure this page:


If you want to have more information about your server configuration, you can also use my free module : https://www.prestatoolbox.com/free-prestashop-modules/116-server-configuration.html

After all that, you can also share your site's URL so that people can see how your site's data is loading.

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A very big issue here.

Not only have the products lost their photos on the customer facing aspect of the site, the descriptions and names are missing.


Weeks of work GONE!!!


I now have to keep my site offline while I spend weeks again adding names and descriptions. 


All for the sake of a piece of software running slow. Taking up to 20 seconds to load.!


Mediacom87 - I have looked through your post and the site is setup like that already.

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On 2/2/2023 at 3:18 PM, DogDayz said:

Why is version so slow to load?


It can take almost 20 seconds to load my shop. Frontend for the customers and the back end for admin.


Moving between screens in back end can drag on as well.


Thanks in advance.


It's not slow when running on properly configured hosting (and somewhat robust hosting).....

it takes many hats when running a PS....I recommend that you post in job offers to have someone take a look....but out of box it was fast enough yes then started to get slow or got slow all at once.

what is  url...I'm a rock star at performance....would like to help....but not enough info....heck I'll look at it for free if you pm me admin access...


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My site when I migrated to was running SUPER SLOW, I regretted updating.


But then I rebuilt all image/thumbnails in the back-end, and it became lightning fast, and a huge relief for me. Try this. It might take a while if you have lots of products. I regenerated all images/thumbnails of all my products with the tool, I kept getting a 503 timeout, but I did all of them.


Go into your back-end, clear/re-build image index, search indexes, clear cache, ETC ETC and CTRL + F5, see if this works. If not, disable your theme and use the default one. It should load fast - if not, you've got a bad module. Disable all your modules, CTRL + F5, try again.

Edited by sampsonzak (see edit history)
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