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Banner off margins


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Hey everyone, i'm a little bit new is this thing, and i'm building this website: ferreteriachacabuco.cl

The problem I'm looking help for is about the size of the banner I'm using... I dont know how to adapt it to the rest of the shop items... I'd like to keep the same margins for everything... inside of the red lines...

does someone know that should I have to do? 

I'll appreciate your answers.



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Your website uses a full width theme. In order to restrict the banners to a boxed container you need to wrap it in a <div class="container"> element. Check your templates/layouts folder. You should be able to find the hook (or the template file) your banners module is hooked to, and from there just as I said, wrap it in a new div with class "container".

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19 hours ago, WisQQ said:

Try to change hook of banner module. It looks like banner module is assigned to HookDisplayWrapperTop.

Hey WisQQ thanks for your answer, I already changed it, but nothing happened, I moved it to the same hook than the products and it keeps the same size. Now it is in the displayTopColumn hook, 


Thanks for your answer anyway! 

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Please find image below. Left side is the original one. I open using Chrome. And right side is after my modification from developer console.d
Is this your expected output? (image on the right)

If you are using a module for the slider, you may find its css class and modify it. To test, start with developer console on browser.
Or if the nivo module has configuration in back office, it is much better! 



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23 minutes ago, s4lvozesta said:

Please find image below. Left side is the original one. I open using Chrome. And right side is after my modification from developer console.d
Is this your expected output? (image on the right)

If you are using a module for the slider, you may find its css class and modify it. To test, start with developer console on browser.
Or if the nivo module has configuration in back office, it is much better! 



oh thanks!!! 

Thats is what I'm looking for... It can't be modify from the back office, but I do have access to the nivo-slider.css file. May I know what change did you do in the css level? Sorry, i'm a newbie in css... I tried to change the position, but I dont know what to do... 

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