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Products tree in category menu

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Hello,I’m new in prestashop. I spent much time for searching how to do this. I need some help. How can I get like this in prestahop? Category tree with product list. For example, I click on the category and all products from this category appear.

Example :


Thanks a lot.

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Here is how to add products for a structured menu.

First enter your main categories as you can see in this pick.



As you can see in this pick I have clicked On Shepherd Velox Parts and entered two sub categories under that.



Now In this pick I have clicked on Velox V10 Parts and as you can see I have entered sub categories under that.



Now in this pick I have clicked on 400020 - 403507 and now I will enter the products that fall in this category.



When you enter your products you will have the option to have the products show in different categories other then its default.

As you can see I have chosen to have the products in 400020 - 403507 to show in Shepherd Velox Parts, Velox V10 parts as well as its default category.

In this way you can click on Shepherd Velox Parts and see all parts, You can click on Velox V10 Parts and just see parts for the Velox V10 or click on a part # range to see parts in that range.




Here are a couple of snaps of what this will look like on the web site.






I hope this is what you are looking for and hope this helps.

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