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"Updating database schema error" during a fresh Prestashop installation

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Hi Folks!

During a fresh Prestashop installation, I got this issue: "1: Updating database schema...".
The thing that I need to mention is, it would install properly on local mysql but not on the DigitalOcean managed databases.

Here is the server config:

WEBSERVER: Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)
OS: ubuntu 22.04
PHP: 7.3.33
DB: DigitalOcean Managed Database

and also here is the log info in the following path:


Any information you can provide me would be greatly appreciated!



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Hello @Ahmad.gh

The PHP version you are using is not compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.6. So you need to either downgrade the PHP version to PHP7.2 or you need to install the PrestaShop version 1.7.7 or 1.7.8, which are compatible with PHP7.3 

You can refer to the following chart for your reference



In addition, please make sure the database user you are using has full access to all the database actions. Because sometimes, when you are using MySQL, there is a chance that the database user does not have full access to the database.

Hope this helps!

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