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Matrice v.1.4. problems to install

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I'm sorry, I'm new in this foro. I'm having a problem to install the matrice's theme v.1.4 on my prestashop v.1.4.
I'm continuing the instructions:


[1]. Back up : in you are using some of of the modules included in the zip, please to make a backup

[2]. Go to >admin >modules >Import/export a theme v1.3 by PrestaShop >click in configure

[3]. Choose "Import from your computer" option, then upload the matrice.zip file >follow the install instructions
(let the default options)

[4]. go to >preferences >Appearance apply matrice theme


[1]. Unzip the file

[2]. Move the template file "themes/matrice" to "yourshop/themes"

[3]. Apply the template in the Back Office ">preferences >Appearance" apply matrice theme

[4]. Install the 3 module of the ZIP modules/"blocktopmenu" "blocklangcurr" "promotions"

[5]. check the "hooks.jpg" to see how to transplante the modules on the different blocks

I have tried both, but any isn't found by prestashop when I'm going to apparience/themes... however, if I try to install matrice v.1.3. then prestashop finds the theme... but with some mistakes. I don't understand why happen this. ¿What's the matter? I don't know what is my mistake... can anybody help me, please? thanks, and sorry for my english... it's very bad!

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if you unpack the zip files manually, how look do the file names? every files are with "/"?
maybe you are using a mac os x or linux (IMHO)
if yes, unpack the zip file with the program names "the unarchiever" and then install it manually.

hopefully it helps you

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I'm having EXACTLY the same issue, using a Mac. I unzipped using the standard unzipper, had the problem with the "/". So I did the unzip using The Unarchiver. Uploaded, and the theme is all messed up. Then I got it working. Ised the Live Edit feature to change modules around, and messed up the site again. Reinstalled, and it's still messed up.

If anyone has any pointers I'd really appreciate the help.

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