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Omnibus price label in PrestaShop (free module)


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The EU Omnibus directive states that:


Any announcement of a price reduction shall indicate the prior price applied by the trader for a determined period of time prior to the application of the price reduction.


I've developed a simple module, that allows to fullfill this requirement for simple stores and fair merchants.

All it does is displaying regular product price as the prior price for discounted products.


You can safely use this module in case the following conditions are met:

  • The regular price is the real lowest price, that the product had within 30 days before start of the current promotion and you are able to prove it in case of a control.
  • During the promotion, both regular and discounted price never change (no price edits in the panel, no external influences like currency rates or price import software)
  • After the promotion is finished, the product stays on the regular price for longer than 30 days.

This module works for PrestaShop 1.7, it requires the following hook to be present in \templates\catalog\_partials\product-prices.tpl:

{hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type="after_price"}

(this hook should be by default in every well made and not broken theme)

The configuration panel allows you to set colors for the text and the price.

Happy using! :)

gmomni_1_0_0.zipFetching info...

gmomni_1_0_1.zipFetching info...

Latest version:

gmomni_1_0_2.zipFetching info...

Edited by Daresh (see edit history)
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  On 1/21/2023 at 1:28 PM, endriu107 said:

As I understand it doesn't save any price in database, it's only display some text and regular price for products with discounted price.


So it is not 100% legal, if I have changed prices 3 times in a month, it should show the lowest price over -30 days
Including the discounted prices made in that period
Obviously, thank you very much for giving a simple solution that can be useful to the vast majority of sellers.

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It is clearly stated under what conditions this module can be used:


The regular price is the real lowest price, that the product had within 30 days before start of the current promotion and you are able to prove it in case of a control.


This is the simplest and lightweight solution to fullfill the requirement about showing the prior price.

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Version for 1.6 would require additional JavaScript to adjust the displayed price when changing combinations. If your store does not have combinations or they all have the same prices, you can try to use this module. Just change in the code the version compliancy to:

$this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_);


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  On 1/21/2023 at 3:39 PM, Daresh said:

It is clearly stated under what conditions this module can be used:

This is the simplest and lightweight solution to fullfill the requirement about showing the prior price.


For the vast majority of stores that do not usually make price changes or continuous offers, YES for that I have thanked you, although you must record price changes in a table, in many types of product the price changes every week and an offer can be greater than the price of 28 days ago.
Oil -> Prices over 1 month -> 1.5 -> 1.7 -> 2.3 -> (offer 1.9). As can be seen, the lowest price is 1.5 not 2.3 of -30 days.

Obviously thanks for the module, as I say it can be useful to many stores

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  • 2 months later...

Hello  @Daresh.

I am using . I have installed this module. Using custom theme.

Hook is there but module doesn't show on front.  Cache cleared etc.

So i have installed clean with only classic theme. Same thing.

Hook is there in position.  Not showing on front.

Where i can search to fix it?


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