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J0hn D03

J0hn D03


An update of the Pottery Store theme for the store and the upgrade to version 8.1 of PrestaShop with the 1-click upgrade module was attempted on 25.07.2023. There was an error message while updating using 1-click upgrade module to version 8.1 :

[INTERNAL] /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/src/Core/Addon/Theme/ThemeManager.php line 398 - PrestaShopPrestaShopCoreDomainThemeExceptionFailedToEnableThemeModuleException: Unfortunately, the module did not return additional details. #0 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/src/Core/Addon/Theme/ThemeManager.php(255): PrestaShopPrestaShopCoreAddonThemeThemeManager->doEnableModules(Array) #1 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/UpgradeTools/ThemeAdapter.php(113): PrestaShopPrestaShopCoreAddonThemeThemeManager->enable('classic') #2 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/UpgradeTools/ThemeAdapter.php(51): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeUpgradeToolsThemeAdapter->enableTheme17('classic') #3 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/UpgradeTools/CoreUpgrader/CoreUpgrader.php(662): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeUpgradeToolsThemeAdapter->enableTheme('classic') #4 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/UpgradeTools/CoreUpgrader/CoreUpgrader.php(119): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeUpgradeToolsCoreUpgraderCoreUpgrader->updateTheme() #5 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/UpgradeTools/CoreUpgrader/CoreUpgrader81.php(46): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeUpgradeToolsCoreUpgraderCoreUpgrader->doUpgrade() #6 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/modules/autoupgrade/classes/TaskRunner/Upgrade/UpgradeDb.php(43): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeUpgradeToolsCoreUpgraderCoreUpgrader81->doUpgrade() #7 /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/euha8egojlhhm3r2/autoupgrade/ajax-upgradetab.php(53): PrestaShopModuleAutoUpgradeTaskRunnerUpgradeUpgradeDb->run() #8 {main}

Despite this version 8.1 seems to have settled and the developers of the pottery Store theme have updated the theme and asked me to switch to the PHP 8.2 version, I had noticed however in the admin some malfunctions, part of the Back-Office remained in English and when I tried to access some menus it generated some error message but the back office was still pretty much functional despite these malfunctions..

Following the reactivation of the modules necessary for the proper functioning of the site I clicked to access the translations, to see if there were missing strings and there I get an error message :

Oops... An unexpected error appears to have occurred

PrestaShopModuleMboModuleCollectionDataProvider::__construct(): Argument #2 ($moduleRepository) must be of type PrestaShopPrestaShopCoreAddonModuleModuleRepositoryInterface, PrestaShopPrestaShopCoreModuleModuleRepository given, called in /home/fpra9296/terreetsens.fr/var/cache/prod/ContainerHP7MP2v/getMbo_Adapter_ModuleCollectionDataProviderService.php on line 9

[TypeError 0]

Then if I try to access the back office by logging in I get the following error message :

Oops... An unexpected error appears to have occurred

Template "PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Order/Order:index.html.twig" is not defined in "@PrestaShop/Admin/Sell/Order/Order/index.html.twig" at line 20.

[Twig\Error\LoaderError 0]

That's it and suddenly it only offers me one thing "Activate the Debug mode" !! And I don't know enough to find my way around using this mode without help

I asked the host (O2Switch) to restore the site to 24.07.2023, when the site was fully functional in version and PHP 7.4 but after the restore, the error persists and access to the back-office is still impossible :

Oops... An unexpected error appears to have occurred

An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_security" as such route does not exist.").

[Twig\Error\RuntimeError 0]

I do not know what to do, I wonder if it is "repairable" and if not how will I be able to recover all the data of the site to possibly reinject them on a "clean" installation in version 8.1.

I would point out that the front office seems to be perfectly functional.

The website is now in Debug Mode

GET-HELP Please/

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