webmaster.success3 Posted January 3, 2023 Share Posted January 3, 2023 Bonjour la communauté J’en profites pour vous souhaiter tous mes vœux pour cette nouvelle année. Comme indiqué dans le titre il y a un problème, malheureusement aléatoire, au moment de la validation du paiement d’un client. Quelques fois le client arrive sur une erreur 500 quelque soit le mode de paiement choisi, la commande est bien passée, mais le client ne reçoit pas le mail de confirmation. J’ai donc activé le mode debug et voici le premier résultat : (1/1) ContextErrorException Notice: Undefined index: id_category_default in ndk_advanced_custom_fields.php line 2032 at ndk_advanced_custom_fields->hookDisplayProductPriceBlock(array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in pagecache.php line 2774 at PageCache::execHook('m', object(ndk_advanced_custom_fields), 'hookDisplayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 24 at Hook::coreCallHook(object(ndk_advanced_custom_fields), 'hookDisplayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 431 at HookCore::callHookOn(object(ndk_advanced_custom_fields), 'displayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 944 at HookCore::exec('displayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 167 at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayProductPriceBlock', 'product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price'), object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83 at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayProductPriceBlock', 'product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price'), object(SmartyDevTemplate))) in a7b83f77e4a184dc3254bdea0d54b6cbe4b51a1e_2.file.order_conf_product_list.tpl.php line 67 at content_63b45964c6c716_77997512(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123 at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114 at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_internal_template.php line 216 at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('D:\\preprod.casalopez.com/themes/fashionseo-child/mails\\en\\order_conf_product_list.tpl', null, null, null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 40 at SmartyDev->fetch('D:\\preprod.casalopez.com/themes/fashionseo-child/mails\\en\\order_conf_product_list.tpl') in MailPartialTemplateRenderer.php line 75 at MailPartialTemplateRenderer->render('order_conf_product_list.tpl', object(Language), array(array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '))) in PaymentModule.php line 934 at PaymentModuleCore->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.tpl', 1, array(array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '))) in PaymentModule.php line 488 at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder(16113, 1, 26.9, 'Chèque', null, array('{check_name}' => 'FAUX POUR TEST', '{check_address}' => 'LE PAIEMENT PAR CHEQUE EST RESERVE AUX TESTS TECHNIQUES', '{check_address_html}' => 'LE PAIEMENT PAR CHEQUE EST RESERVE AUX TESTS TECHNIQUES'), 1, false, 'c944013e17caef4e7a90fa4e423e985e') in validation.php line 86 at Ps_CheckpaymentValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess() in Controller.php line 295 at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 518 at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28 Je me dis ok c’est le module « ndk_advanced_custom_fields » qui fait des siennes. Je le désactive vide les caches et refais un test et voici le nouveau résultat : (1/1) ContextErrorException Notice: Trying to get property 'id_product' of non-object in disableproductbycountry.php line 305 at disableproductbycountry->hookDisplayProductPriceBlock(array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in pagecache.php line 2774 at PageCache::execHook('m', object(disableproductbycountry), 'hookDisplayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 24 at Hook::coreCallHook(object(disableproductbycountry), 'hookDisplayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 431 at HookCore::callHookOn(object(disableproductbycountry), 'displayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2)) in Hook.php line 944 at HookCore::exec('displayProductPriceBlock', array('product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price', 'smarty' => object(SmartyDevTemplate), 'cookie' => object(Cookie), 'cart' => object(Cart), 'altern' => 2), null) in smarty.config.inc.php line 167 at smartyHook(array('h' => 'displayProductPriceBlock', 'product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price'), object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in SmartyLazyRegister.php line 83 at SmartyLazyRegister->__call('smartyHook', array(array('h' => 'displayProductPriceBlock', 'product' => array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '), 'type' => 'unit_price'), object(SmartyDevTemplate))) in a7b83f77e4a184dc3254bdea0d54b6cbe4b51a1e_2.file.order_conf_product_list.tpl.php line 67 at content_63b45d11d76184_29661629(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_template_resource_base.php line 123 at Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_template_compiled.php line 114 at Smarty_Template_Compiled->render(object(SmartyDevTemplate)) in smarty_internal_template.php line 216 at Smarty_Internal_Template->render(false, 0) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 232 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute(object(SmartyDevTemplate), null, null, null, 0) in smarty_internal_templatebase.php line 116 at Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch('D:\\preprod.casalopez.com/themes/fashionseo-child/mails\\en\\order_conf_product_list.tpl', null, null, null, false, true, false) in SmartyDev.php line 40 at SmartyDev->fetch('D:\\preprod.casalopez.com/themes/fashionseo-child/mails\\en\\order_conf_product_list.tpl') in MailPartialTemplateRenderer.php line 75 at MailPartialTemplateRenderer->render('order_conf_product_list.tpl', object(Language), array(array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '))) in PaymentModule.php line 934 at PaymentModuleCore->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.tpl', 1, array(array('id_product' => '569', 'id_product_attribute' => '3914', 'reference' => '37939', 'name' => 'Boîte d\'allumettes - : - Couleur : MOTIF TREFLE VERT', 'price' => '12,50 €', 'quantity' => 1, 'customization' => array(), 'unit_price' => '12,50 €', 'unit_price_full' => '12,50 € '))) in PaymentModule.php line 488 at PaymentModuleCore->validateOrder(16114, 1, 26.9, 'Chèque', null, array('{check_name}' => 'FAUX POUR TEST', '{check_address}' => 'LE PAIEMENT PAR CHEQUE EST RESERVE AUX TESTS TECHNIQUES', '{check_address_html}' => 'LE PAIEMENT PAR CHEQUE EST RESERVE AUX TESTS TECHNIQUES'), 1, false, 'c944013e17caef4e7a90fa4e423e985e') in validation.php line 86 at Ps_CheckpaymentValidationModuleFrontController->postProcess() in Controller.php line 295 at ControllerCore->run() in Dispatcher.php line 518 at DispatcherCore->dispatch() in index.php line 28 Donc un autre module pose un problème ? Je vous la fais courte, je désactive, vide les caches, test et un autre message avec un autre module, etc. etc. etc. J’ai remarqué aussi, mais ça c’est peut-être normal, que sur la page erreur 500 je ne suis plus en connexion sécurisé. Donc je tourne en rond. Si une bonne âme pouvait me suggérer quelques pistes de recherche, je suis preneur Cordialement Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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