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Matrice theme

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I'm using matrice theme on prestashop v1.41 btw it's beautiful theme!
got a small issue, when using the check out in 1 page, if a user doesn't add any product in the cart but click on the order button the page is in the center (see attach file). I try to add this line on order-opc.tpl without any success.

{l s='Your shopping cart'}

  • {l s='Your shopping cart is empty.'}

if someone know where I have to do the change I will really appreciate,



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not only you but everyone does also have the same problem.
I try to solve this shit since a week ago.
I think the developer doesn't care about it (since it is a free theme) so we have to solve the problem by ourself, otherwise you pay the developer to support you. and maybe somebody has already the solution but also doesn't want to share it (maybe).
so good luck!

If I found it, I will share it in the forum

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