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Variables showing up in some mails, others not


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I do not understand why I have some mails showing the variables and others not ...  I have only modified already existing mails (for orderstatus), changed the template.html name and applied it via the backend but for instance the same mail template I am using for sending a reminder has the same content as the order confirmation but the only variable I get in the reminder mail is the Total paid.. all other variables come out as {variable}.

I attach the htm file i have modified but I did not modify much only remove one <TR> to remove a line with gift wraping I do not see how this could affect the rest. Any guidance is welcome.

 i am using the latest

Thanks in advance


Edited by ptityop
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Thanks fr the reply ... and is there a way to just have all variables available to be placed in any mail we want ... for instance, we have reminders mail where the same info that the order needs to be sent ... I would have thought this to be pretty common ... ? tHanks for your help

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I ahev fudn an old thread .... it actually does what I would need, being able to use any variable in any mail template we would create ... but the thread is old and I have no been searching hours for an alternative, how comes we cannot simply use variables we want in the mails we want ? 

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