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User Types

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I would like to create different types of users for the purpose of discounts for regular/larger customers.
These special people would see a special price only available to them as a whole.

So a groups of individuals that are labeled "Trade Customers" they log in and see these special trade prices. Some even get larger discount because they are large clients/customers.

These users would apply for this status and after vetting them we allow them access to this area.

One Idea would be to duplicate the store and place in a sub directory called http:///awebsite.com/trade I could customize the display to show the trade price. I was thinking I would like to add a third price into the database?

Wholesale price is 100
Trade Price is 200
Retail is 300

How easy is this to do?

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This would have been a great feature.. It is like putting users in different discount groups really. People not logged in or normal users get no discount.
People that have earned discount somehow.. (friends or others) is in a group called 10% discount.

Then you have wholesalers or others that have more discount.

That would solve lot of my problems.. I have that members of a special forum get 10% discount. But not sure how I could get it working automatic.

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Just you can make Customer group in customer tab on back office, like Trade, retailer, etc, and for all this group you can set reduce percent like for group1 10%, for group2 15%, etc... this way you can set a reduce percent for all this group,

now after create account switch your customer to the preferable group. and when they login they will get their group discount.

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