I am trying to make a b2b site with customer groups in ps8 with php8.1
Everything seemed fine until I clicked Advanced parameters>performance>customer groups, I disabled it and then enabled it.
(I am not completely sure this is the cause of the issue though).
But if I disable it, everyone can see the shop, you can log in and create a account, everything is fine (but not a locked store)
If I enable it, You can view the login page, reset password, create account pages and such. But as soon as you push "send" on any of these forms the store halts and crashes unable to allocate enough memory. It makes a large number of calls to entitymapping.php from src/Core/Foundation/IoC/Container.php until it finally runs out of memory.
I have tried for hours trying to solve the issue but without sucess.
Am I missing something here, something needed to be setup ?
- It also happened right after I started to add categories.
I have 43557 calls to the database regarding the session - seems a little over the top perhaps ?
"SELECT * FROM `ps_customer_session` a WHERE (a.`id_customer_session` = 82)"