When I run the following command (which is used to regenerate the email files) via the console, the shop context is not the right one :
php bin/console prestashop:mail:generate myThemeName Locale "themes/myThemeName/mails" --overwrite --id_shop=4
From a multi-store PrestaShop, I have to regenerate the emails of each store with the right context.
I use the ActionBuildMailLayoutVariables hook to transfer the media server adress used by the store.
I placed a dump(Context::getContext()->shop->id); within my hook. When I use the BO > Improve > Design > MailTheme, the context is the right one (I get 4). However, if I use the above command, the returned context is always 1. Why does the --id_shop=4 parameter not seem to be used ?