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"Place Order" Button in Checkout Broken

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Hello all!

after several presta shop module updates (and some 3rd party modules as well) yesterday a customer notified us that the "order button" in the checkout is broken.

I checked and found that in fact the following behaviour occurs:

After entering name, address and selecting a shipping service in the final stage of the checkout the red banner (Please make sure you've chosen a payment method and accepted the terms and conditions) and a greyed out "place order" button is shown.

Now based on the payment selection the following happens:

1) Pay by credit card (Stripe module): banner stays - button remains grey - no entry sign shows when touching the button - BUT a click results in a succesful order!

2) Pay by bank wire (original presta module): as 1) but click does not issue an order but jumps the cursor back to the input of the Pay by card text element! but if I disable or uninstall the Stripe module - just nothing happens.

3) Bank transfer payment with discount (3rd party): same as 2)

4) Paypal: Once selected both the banner and the button disappear - order is only possible with the yellow "pay with paypal" button. 

Using PrestaShop, php 7.3.33


Posting shop urls is frowned upon - I know - but in this case it might help to picture the problem.


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