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Cloning a PS instance to have developer instance - how to do?


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I Want to clone a complete site to another domain for testing and development purpose.
I started with to separate instances to test it first on the developer site, but than i only created the most content on the live site.
So now i want to clone it to go on testing on the develoepr site for not destroying the live version in case of bad updates or whatever...

i tried to substitute all url-data with a texteditor in the sql file..i also edited the parameters.php... so what else i have to do that its working?

i got allways a redirect to the original url, when i was uploading he changed database to the developer instance with the other url ,which i put in the sql-file.. also for sure a checked the .htaccess which is ok...

Any ideas how to do this?


kind regards,




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OK, i made the following things again:

1. copied all data to a new folder

2. changed in this folder in the htaccess the url to the new one..

3. changed in the app/config/parameter.php the database and username.. the rest i didnt changed

4. imported the changed database... in the database i substituted all url expression: old_url.com  to    new_url.com

5. after importation of that changed database y deactivated ssl in the database:

changed in Table ps_configuration PS_SSL_ENABLED  from 1   to 0


dont know what else to do... but i get now "500 Server Error"


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Thanks, with the debug i could find the problem... db connection.. user was not allowed on localserver... only % adn was not working.. so seems to work!


so i will write down the steps and issues.. and next time o delete before copying the cache maybe also..

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