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CLS problem image width and height


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  On 11/16/2022 at 8:14 PM, webprog said:

Hello, your slider in module tm_imageslider generates images without width and height. So, you need to make changes in this module or find another module.


Hi, thank you for your answer. It is not just the slider module. It goes for all images on my website according to pagespeed. Every page i look up seems to have this problem. So, i am looking for a one-hit solution that fixes it all



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If it is not a default or classic theme, it is always reasonable to contact the template developer. Apparently he forgot to add the width and height attributes to all TPL templates.
Global javascript could also be used to add the width and height attributes.
But there is a problem with the fact that your template contains a page preloader.
So the javascript would have to wait for the previous javascript to exit.

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Sample custom.js:

$(document).ajaxStart(function() {
    var imgs = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    if (imgs){ 
        for (var i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
            var width = imgs[i].naturalWidth;
            var height = imgs[i].naturalHeight;
            imgs[i].setAttribute('width', width);
            imgs[i].setAttribute('height', height);

You can put this code in the file:
If such a file "custom.js" does not exist, create it.

Edited by 4you.software (see edit history)
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