I'm working on simple python script for updating product using prestapy library.
✅ API is enabled
✅ API Key is generated with full permissions
✅ Other operations like retrieving single product or all products work fine
from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebServiceDict
prestashop = PrestaShopWebServiceDict('{API_URL}', '{API_KEY}', debug=True, verbose=False)
new_price = 28.0
product_id = '22806'
product = prestashop.get('products', product_id)
product['product']['price'] = new_price
product['product'].pop('manufacturer_name', None)
product['product'].pop('quantity', None)
prestashop.edit('products', product)
Quoteprestapyt.prestapyt.PrestaShopWebServiceError: "[SQL Error] Table '{SENSITIVE}.ps_accounts_incremental_sync' doesn't exist. From DbCore->insert() Query was : INSERT INTO `ps_accounts_incremental_sync` (`id_shop`, `id_object`, `type`, `created_at`, `lang_iso`) VALUES ('1', '22806', 'products', '2022-11-09T19:40:25+01:00', 'pl') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `id_shop` = '1',`id_object` = '22806',`type` = 'products',`created_at` = '2022-11-09T19:40:25+01:00',`lang_iso` = 'pl'"
To be honest, I have no idea how to approach that. Table name ps_accounts_incremental_sync doesn't even exist in prestashop github source code (or it's not searchable?).
I've tried requesting API using postman with same result (screen attached).
Any help greatly appreciated!