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Why Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql) return empty array

IT City

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I have a problems 
When I add a product to the order in the admin panel, I have to send it to the general warehouse, making a request to add a combination of goods to the order, getInstance()->executeS works for me every other time, I debug the request, I test it in phpmyadmin and it is completely correct , What can be wrong?



$sql = "select $return_products as quantity, o.product_reference, o.unit_price_tax_incl as price, pa.stock_article_id

from " . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'order_detail o

left join ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute pa on pa.id_product_attribute = o.product_attribute_id

where o.product_attribute_id = ' . $product_attribute_id . ' and o.id_order = ' . $id_order;

$items = \Db::getInstance()->executeS($sql);

$this->shipment($items, 0, $order->total_discounts);


'hookActionAdminOrdersControllerBefore->shipment->SQL2: ' . $sql . ' hookActionAdminOrdersControllerBefore->shipment->Items: ' . json_encode($items) . ' return_products ' . $return_products, 1




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