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[Build] PrestaShop Core Weekly - Week 43 of 2022


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This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 24th to Sunday 30th of October 2022.


General messages

Dear developers,

PrestaShop 8 is available! This is an important moment for everyone involved in the project. All project members would like to thank the community for their involvement in this new version.

The Hummingbird theme maintainers team decided to release its early version. If you are working with PrestaShop themes, this is a great chance to get your hands on this new version to see what the future holds.

We want to remind you about next week’s PrestaShop Project Public Demo. We meet on November 9th at 4 PM CET.

Last but not least, October was the last month of the Core Weekly summaries you are currently reading. Starting in November, we will gather information about the project to be published in the Core Monthly summary. So the next post of this type is to be published at the beginning of December. We believe this new format will be easier for everyone to track and allow us to provide you with more relevant information about the project.


A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:

Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch


Back office

  • #30143: UpdateProductCommand unification - SEO related properties handling. Thank you @zuk3975
  • #30132: Upgrade AddProductImageCommand and GetProductImageCommand to fit with multishop. Thank you @lartist
  • #30122: UpdateProductCommand unification - prices related properties handling. Thank you @zuk3975
  • #30052: Added required attribute on text input for admin controller. Thank you @nicosomb
  • #30031: Introduce single unified UpdateProductCommand. Thank you @zuk3975
  • #29977: Updating default combination is now take into account when submitting the form. Thank you @lartist
  • #28917: Display an error message if editing by zero on quantity field, by @Progi1984

Front office


  • #29765: Changed message when PHP version is not correct. Thank you @nicosomb
  • #29750: Replace AppKernel version constants by prestashop versions. Thank you @FabienPapet
  • #28500: Add a lock file during the install (and it’s removed only if the install is well finished), by @Progi1984

Web services

  • #29135: Webservice: honor maximum image upload size. Thank you @balejk


Code changes in the ‘8.0.x’ branch


Back office

Front office

Web services

  • #29756: Fix error on patch method because of php 8.0 throw a fatal error. Thank you @mflasquin


  • #30068: Functional tests - Fix nightly 19/10 (Fix FO > send message test). Thank you @nesrineabdmouleh
  • #29992: Better escape PR description for the Pull Request Validator Github action, by @atomiix

Code changes in the ‘1.7.8.x’ branch


Back office

  • #29465: Add available_now & available_later labels constraints. Thank you @zuk3975

Front office

  • #29715: Fix discount detail in cart when a product has en ecotax with applied tax. Thank you @mflasquin


  • #30099: Fix issue on fresh installation with docker in branch 1.7.8.x. Thank you @sefirosweb

Code changes in modules, themes & tools

Docker internal images

Faceted search module

Hummingbird theme

  • #385: Merge develop into master, by @NeOMakinG
  • #384: Add preview and change url. Thank you @Hlavtox
  • #381: Hide Previous/Next labels for mobile screens. Thank you @lucrp
  • #380: Change second $badge-padding-y to $badge-padding-x. Thank you @lucrp

Changes in developer documentation sources

Docker images

Classic theme

Customer reassurance block module


Example modules

  • #119: rm unused class, shorten trans(), correct links, add screenshots. Thank you @leemyongpakvn

The PrestaShop open source project website

Image slider module

Auto Upgrade module

Category tree links module

GDPR module

Prestashop UI Kit

Product Comments module

Wire payment module

PrestaShop Specifications

Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @Quetzacoalt91, @zuk3975, @dependabot[bot], @NeOMakinG, @Hlavtox, @thomasnares, @PrestaEdit, @matks, @lartist, @jolelievre, @nesrineabdmouleh, @lucrp, @kpodemski, @ThanasisMpalatsoukas, @Oksydan, @sefirosweb, @FabienPapet, @atomiix, @leemyongpakvn, @nicosomb, @eternoendless, @sashashura, @mflasquin, @Progi1984, @jf-viguier, @rsoulard-prolaser, @PululuK, @clotairer, @balejk, @Seb33300, @margud, @abramofranchetti, @Saimis777, @SimonasB88, @lmeyer1, @MatShir, @LouiseBonnard, @sam-pires!

Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!

If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:

…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!

Happy contributin’ everyone!

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