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Knowband - Order Return Manager(Return Slip & Barcode) - Not using right email templates


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I have an online store that is using this module for order returns. I saw that in some situations the email that is sent to the customer is not right, I mean is not the same as email templates. The store was developed by another team and I don't have any documentation, I don't know if they did something custom.

Can you help me with some instructions, where can I update email templates?
Templates that don't work well:
- New Return Request has been received!
- Your Return request is Approved!
- Your Return Request status has been updated! (At changing status)
- Your Return Request has been completed! (At return completed)


The problem is that in the "Email Template" Tab I have a template, and the user gets another template. I don't know where it takes the template. I've checked in translations too; I only have one template that is not used.

Thank you,

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Email templates are in both





sometimes in ./themes/your_theme/modules/module_name/mails/language_id

Email templates are also stored in the cache. It is also necessary to clear the cache after changing the email template.

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Thank you for your answer.
The problem is that I can't find the email templates that the module sends on the email. I mean, I have email templates for situations like order confirmation, but no template in folders for return order, or return order approved


Thank you

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