Hello, I am coding a module to send a PDF invoice of a purchase on Google Drive.
However, when I want to create a PDF, it sends me this error (it always comes up when I want to make the render):
I specify that it worked on version 1.6 of Prestashop but when I made the update to 1.7 I found myself with this problem.
Here is my code :
public function saveInvoiceToDrive(int $id_order) { $context = Context::getContext(); $result = false; $order = new Order($id_order); $invoice_collection = $order->getInvoicesCollection(); // Retrieves the name of the invoice /** @var OrderInvoice $invoice */ foreach ($invoice_collection as $invoice) { $file_name = $invoice->getInvoiceFilename($id_order); $filename = $file_name['invoice']; $nameInvoice = $filename['name']; $order_file = _PS_MODULE_DIR_ . $this->name . '/invoices/files/' . $nameInvoice; // Create the invoice in pdf $pdf = new PDF($invoice, PDF::TEMPLATE_INVOICE, $this->context->smarty); $invoice_content = $pdf->render(false); // Save the invoice as a pdf file in the desired folder file_put_contents($order_file, $invoice_content); // Send to drive if (is_file($order_file)) { $result = $this->toGoogleDrive($order_file, 'pdf'); } } return $result; }