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(Solved) SQL Query to get full product path ( Friendly url)


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I want to use SQL Query to get a full path of a product 

The following is not working if the default category is a subcategory

Can someone help ?

Actual url


Query result (Missing "Posters" from url)


I cannot write   my sql here, see the screenshot, the code is blocked from prestahop!


Edited by siomosp (see edit history)
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I had to do a lot of research for my poor mysql knowledge.

But this query works.

It generates product url for the given shop, product id ,  language

SET @site = "https://www.stickit.gr/el";
SET @id_lang = 2;
SET @id_prod = 18077;
SELECT CONCAT_WS("/",@site,GROUP_CONCAT(ps_category_lang.link_rewrite ORDER BY ps_category.level_depth ASC SEPARATOR "/"),
(SELECT ps_product_lang.link_rewrite
FROM  ps_product_lang
INNER JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_product = ps_product_lang.id_product
INNER JOIN ps_category_lang ON ps_category_lang.id_category = ps_product.id_category_default
WHERE ps_product_lang.id_lang = @id_lang
AND ps_category_lang.id_lang = @id_lang
AND ps_product.id_product = @id_prod)) as product

FROM ps_category_lang 
INNER JOIN ps_category on ps_category_lang.id_category = ps_category.id_category
ps_category.nleft <= (SELECT ps_category.nleft
FROM ps_category
JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_category_default = ps_category.id_category
WHERE  ps_product.id_product = @id_prod)

ps_category.nright >= (SELECT  ps_category.nright
FROM ps_category
JOIN ps_product ON ps_product.id_category_default = ps_category.id_category
WHERE  ps_product.id_product = @id_prod)

AND ps_category_lang.id_lang = @id_lang
AND ps_category.id_category > @id_lang



Edited by siomosp
Added ORDER BY ps_category.level_depth ASC (see edit history)
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  • siomosp changed the title to (Solved) SQL Query to get full product path ( Friendly url)

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