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Missing language flags

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Hello, I've noticed that the language selection module on my website does not show the language flags, although I've already uploaded the .jpg files in the right file path on cPanel. It only shows the alt text set in HTML.

It's supposed to show an english-american flag and an italian one in 16x11 pixels (named 1.jpg and 2.jpg), but I can't figure out what's the deal.

I think the module is the default language selection one made by Prestashop (I am using version, I even tried to reset it several times by now, but the problem remains.

Any tip?

Language selection block displaied:

Flags that are supposed to appear:
1.jpg.212186cccf43d635b0152a446677533e.jpg 2.jpg.2c509f5b6a4507327be018a81bb71ac9.jpg 



Edited by Sergio from RT (see edit history)
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