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Show product attributes on product listing page and product page


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Hi to all

I'm finishing my online store and I'm having a problem with the display. I would like all the products to show me the available sizes when I put the mouse over it when it is displayed in the product listing within a category and once I select the product I can see the sizes at a glance, instead of having a drop down. 
As far as I am remember I have not modified anything but some products are fine and other products, it does not show me the size when hovering the mouse over it and once the product is selected it shows me a dropdown.
I guess it is because the ones it shows me "good" is because the attribute is called Size and the ones it shows me "bad" (dropdown) is because the attribute is called "Wrist size".
How can I show it correctly without having to buy a module? I have already bought a couple of them, and others that I lack for product customization, in addition to the Warehouse template that is the one I use and without knowing if it will work well the web, I do not want to spend unnecessary money.

Could anyone give me a hand and tell me how to modify it and that it is always displayed "well" regardless of how I call the attribute, because I have another one that is strap size and I use for watch straps and the same thing happens to me?

Thank you very much for your help in advance.




Edited by Nalayh (see edit history)
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