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PS 1.6: can't access backend or add products with php 5.6 (or above)


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Hello everybody,
I have a PS running on a server with php 5.5.38 (Default theme).
If I try to change it to 5.6 (or 7.0) the site still appears but products cannot be added to cart.
There is no error on screen or in chrome console: you click and nothig happens.
Same thing for backend login: the page simply reoloads without errors but you can't access until php version is > 5.5.38
I've tried cleaning cookies and I've changed browser. With also incognito mode on.
Loggin in as user still works instead.

Any suggestion would be appreciated...

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it seems changing php version some extension disabled or php.ini configs not compatible.

I attached files and add it to root and open this from url.


then change php version to 5.6 or 7.1

after, open this url https://your.com/phppsinfo.php again and you will see disabled or enabled extensions.

then apply disabled one to server.

clear cache and try again.

maybe this way can help you.

good day 


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I've run the test and the only "red" cells are for the following directories (which are not writable):


But I guess they belong to PS 1.7 versions, so this should be not a problem.
All the other checks are the same...


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