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[MODULE] Youtube Wall v4.2- PS 1.3/8


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 Show Youtube videos from your channel and playlists,  on your Prestashop home page.

YoutubeWall  is the complete solution to show Youtube videos from your channel into your Prestashop site.


The module let you configure the channel url (or youtube user url), and display featured videos too. You can configure a lot of options in the module, like the background images and colors, to adapt to your channel look or prestashop look.


You can set the number of videos to show and the columns, and the module adapts to any screen size because is responsive.

In addition, the module shows a small widget in the footer for the youtube channel, and a special page to show the videos if ytou don't want it on homepage or show in a CMS page.



  • Customize the width for non responsive sites
  • Background color and header color are configurable, and background images too
  • Columns for the videos can be customized (Example: you can now have a 3-column layout for the videos displayed.)
  • Total amount of videos can be customized.
  • The widget itself is responsive; given a width (or %) for the widget, the inner contents will resize accordingly.
  • Video player opened in a lightbox.
  • Subscribe on youtube opens in a new window.
  • Parts of the plugin like header/tabs can be hidden
  • Displays your actual complete youtube channel on your website just like its shown on youtube.
  • Compatible with firefox, explorer, chrome, safari, opera
  • Multilingual 
  • Multistore





Edited by shacker (see edit history)
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  • 1 year later...
  • shacker changed the title to [MODULE] Youtube Wall v4.2- PS 1.3/8
  • 11 months later...

Hola me he descargado el módulo, tengo prestashop y al ir a configurar el módulo la parte de colores de textos y fondos no me hace ni caso, vamos que no me cambia los modos ni los colores, me podría ayudar alguien para saber porque me pasa esto, adjunto una foto de como se ve el módulo en mi página, Como esta no me deja cambiar nada, muchas gracias. Saludos

Captura de pantalla (9).png

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