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[MODULE] Cron Import CSV / TXT Cron Import / Dropshipping 3.5.2- PS 1.5/1.8x


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CSVCronImport  will allow you to import/update products, categories, users, etc., from a csv/txt/xml file or URL / FTP (like www.host.com/file.csv) and create a scheduled task to automatically update when you want.

The module let you to import/update products, categories, manufacturers, suppliers, customers and combinations with a cron job. If you are a retailer and need to update all your products stock, proces, etc every day, hour or when you need, this is your module.

You can create many cron jobs as you need, like one for categories, other for products, etc, and let you delete all products before import, update by reference, and a lot of more options.


If your CSV are big, the module have the option to slipt files by size, like 100 small files with 10 products, and you get a better import and no timeout errors.

Compatible with the service mydataprovider.com


  • Update products, categories, manufacturers, suppliers, customers and combinations 
  • Infinite CSV cron jobs
  • Support ISO encodded files
  • Easy edit any cron created
  • Multilingual
  • Multistore




Edited by shacker (see edit history)
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  • 10 months later...
  • shacker changed the title to [MODULE] Cron Import CSV / TXT Cron Import / Dropshipping 3.5.2- PS 1.5/1.8x
  • 1 year later...
On 7/24/2023 at 9:13 AM, shacker said:

v3.5.2 - Solved minor issues, compatibility PS8.1

Hello I have the module, version v3.5.3 but I get the message "OPEN BASEDIR DISABLED. Contact your host to enable" can you please give me an orientation to solve this?.

Best regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Interested in this module.

I need to import product quantities once every hour from a suppliers CSV hosted on the cloud (have url). Will this module suffice?

The CSV has two fields, SKU and Quantity.

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