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Github Module Download Not Working


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Hi all,

PS I was having a problem with block reassurance module I updated it to the latest and it crashed.  So I deleted the mod and went to github and downloaded an older version "blockreassurance-5.0.0.zip" from github.  When I try to upload the module I get "OOPS"  "This file does not seem to be a valid module zip".  I also tried "blockreassurance-4.1.1.zip" got the same problem.

What is the problem with the mod?  Can it be fixed?

Where can I download a module that will work?

I would be grateful for any help.

Thanks for any assistance.


Edit.  I did a manual install of blockreassurance-5.0.0 and got a "500 error"?


Edit . I uploaded an original  blockreassurance 3.0.1 .  It did install but the box does not show on the product pages?


Edited by need2011
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Looks like a source code and not a release package. You can make it work by renaming the folder inside the zip to blockreassurace (removing the version) but it might unnecessary dev files and miss vendor files (need to run composer in this case)

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Thanks for your reply.

I did exactly what you said by renaming the folder blockreassurace in the beginning when it did not work.   I went to configure the original mod and it said upgrade so I did and big mistake.

At this point I only want to get the original one working again.  blockreassurance 3.0.1  It is installed properly and I can access from the backoffice  but it is not showing on the product pages.   I cleared the cache still not show.

Any ideas?

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Thank you for your reply.

Great call! You nailed it.  It was missing from the position it should be in.  I got it back to the position and it is up but this problem refuses to go peacefully.  It has the information doubled.  Please see the attached.

How to get rid of the text in the background?

Edit.  I deleted the cache and looked to see if there was a second install in the modules folder. Everything seemed good.

I also deleted the post and cache and reposted but it didn't fix it.


Edited by need2011
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Thanks everyone for your reply's I fixed the problem by using a backup copy from the original install.

I think that my prestashop release is too old for the new version of this mod.  I really only wanted to get it back up and running.  I think that the big problem is that in the back office when you go to the mod you see "Upgrade".  I didn't realize that you can configure the mod without the upgrade.   But I hit the upgrade and it stopped working. 

After manually uploading the original mod from my backup -  the other issue is there is NO place to find uninstalled mods. You need to go to the selection tab and than it says install the latest version but it installed the original.  Very confusing!

Everything is back to normal and working properly.

Thanks again for all the replies and assistance and give everyone my best wishes.

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