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PrestaShop Checkout invasivo e con tendenze monopoliste oppure pessima implementazione?


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a seguito di una campagna di attivo contatto da parte di PayPal, ho recentemente installato, configurato e sottoscritto PrestaShop Checkout. Ho notato diverse gravi criticità nel modulo.

In primo luogo, dipende fortemente da un copioso numero di risolrse esterne. E' chiaro e ovvio come un modulo di pagamento debba potersi connettere a server diversi da quelli su cui è presente il sito, però, nel 2022, è decisamente disfunzionale che dai 5 ai 10 diversi file javascript debbano essere caricati dall'sdk di PayPal.

E qui arriviamo all'elefante nella stanza, l'estrema intrusività del modulo nel come i consumatori vengono indirizzati alla scelta del sito web, che, all'ultima volta che ho controllato,è di mia proprietà e non di PayPal o PrestaShop. Infatti, se un cliente, anche già registrato da prima dell'installazione del modulo, prova anche soltanto una volta a loggarsi o a fare il pagamento i pulsanti PayPal, per sempre sarà forzato ad utilizzare paypal, dato che PrestaShop checkout deliberatamente andrà a celare qualsiasi altro metodo di pagamento e a sovrascrivere il pulsante di checkout con uno graficamente identico ma che richiama direttamente il metodo di pagamento con PayPal.

Ho sbagliato qualcosa nell'implementazione (guidata dai tecnici di PayPal da remoto) oppure risulta anche ad altri questo tipo di approccio anti-concorrenziale da parte degli sviluppatori i quali, chiaramente, se così fosse, risulterebbero guidati da malevoli e monopoliste intenzioni ben lontane dall'originario intento open source del cms?

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I guess you have something not working as expected on your shop cause others payment modules are well available in addition to PrestaShop Checkout at payment step. See screenshots bellow.

What is your version of PrestaShop ?
What is your theme, name and author ?

You can contact customer service at [email protected]

This forum is for open source project and modules from open source project. PrestaShop Checkout is a commercial module outside the open source project. So please contact customer service.

Only one feature hide others payment methods on payment step, it’s when customer click on an ExpressCheckout button from product page, cart page or first step of checkout page.

When customer start an ExpressCheckout session, he pre-approve a PayPal payment then he is redirected to your checkout page to choose a shipping method, once shipping cost are calculated, pre-approved payment is updated and at payment step customer can only see PayPal as payment method to finalize the payment with his pre-approved payment.

One feature missing here: to be able to cancel this pre-approved payment to be able to choose another payment method.

Once this pre-approved payment is completed, customer can pay with others payment methods for next new cart.

ExpressCheckout is an optional feature, disabled by default that’s can be enabled from Customization settings.

If you encounter issues with ExpressCheckout you can disable it and use standard payment.

So by default, all others payment methods as same behavior of each payment methods.

Customer can select a radio button on payment step to choose a payment method: one purposed by PrestaShop Checkout or one from another payment method like Bank Wire, Cash on Delivery, Stripe, Amazon Pay or every others payment options provided by others payment module.

PrestaShop Checkout use a hook that’s allow payment modules to override default submit button to replace it from a PayPal SmartButton, this hook should change content of confirm order button by a custom submit button depending on selected radio button of payment options.
Some themes are known to have a bad implementation of this hook called "displayPaymentByBinaries", so maybe it’s your issue ?

Here some screenshot with default PrestaShop theme:

Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.02.25.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and no payment option selected


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.02.53.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and another payment option from another payment selected (Worldline module)


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.02.45.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and another payment option from another payment selected (ps_bankwire module)


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.03.00.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and a payment option from PrestaShop Checkout selected (PayPal)


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.03.08.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and a payment option from PrestaShop Checkout selected (PayPal Pay Later)


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.04.08.png

Payment step without ExpressCheckout and a payment option from PrestaShop Checkout selected (PayPal Card)


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.04.15.png

PrestaShop Checkout customization settings to enable Express Checkout


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.01.18.png

ExpressCheckout button on product page - disabled by default, must be enabled from customization settings of PrestaShop Checkout


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.01.44.png

ExpressCheckout button on cart page - disabled by default, must be enabled from customization settings of PrestaShop Checkout


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.01.53.png

ExpressCheckout button on first step of checkout page - disabled by default, must be enabled from customization settings of PrestaShop Checkout


Capture d’écran 2022-09-04 à 11.14.10.png

ExpressCheckout payment step with only PayPal payment option - disabled by default, must be enabled from customization settings of PrestaShop Checkout

At this step, customer has already a pending pre-approved payment with PayPal using ExpressCheckout and he can only finalize this payment.

A feature is missing here: customer should be able to cancel this pre-approved payment to choose another payment method. This feature is planed in backlog but not yet available. If this behavior doesn't meet your needs, you can disable ExpressCheckout feature.

You can contact customer service at [email protected]

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