When there are no errors Prestashop's upgrade module works perfectly. But when there is some error you get a vague message and no indication what you could do to fix the problem. UpgradeHub fixes this situation by giving you complete control of the process. In the database upgrade phase it shows you every command that is executed and when some command leads to a crash it tells you how to fix it and how to continue the upgrade from where it stopped.
Those familiar with Prestashop's manual upgrade will see some similarities. However, UpgradeHub is much more user friendly. See the included manual for the details.
Upgradehub has been tested from PS 1.4.1 up to If you upgrade from a lower version you may need to make some fixes or ask for support. You should not use it for Prestashop 1.7. From up you should use Prestashop's 1-click upgrade.
Prestashop's 1-click upgrade module nowadays forces you in an impossible situation as it demands its latest version and that version cannot run under PHP 5.6 while older Prestashop versions need that PHP version. UpgradeHub can run under PHP 5.6 and higher. It may even be able to run under older PHP versions but that hasn't been tested.
UpgradeHub is meant for shops that are functioning well and just have some problems upgrading. If your shop has serious problems you are advised to use my copy_shopdata instead.
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