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sammuke.ee - broke. Error in Controller.php


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Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$html' (T_VARIABLE), expecting function (T_FUNCTION) or const (T_CONST) in ...../...../..../public_html/classes/controller/Controller.php on line 516

I compared the file with new install and it is 100% same. Exchanged to from distribution. Same problem.

What might be the issue?



Edited by ezh (see edit history)
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You don't tell the Prestashop version so I cannot compare. But anyone who knows a little bit about PHP can understand that there is something wrong in the picture that you show.

That line 516 used to contain something like:

    protected function smartyOutputContent($content)

And you replaced it with something that doesn't make sense at all.

I don't know what "distribution" you use but Prestashop doesn't distribute such code.

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