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Problem updating prestashop

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Hi there, I have updated prestashop to the last version and we get the following error: 


(1/1) RuntimeException

Service "prestashop.core.admin.multistore": Parent definition "PrestaShopBundle\Controller\Admin\FrameworkBundleAdminController" does not exist.

in ResolveChildDefinitionsPass.php line 77

at ResolveChildDefinitionsPass->doResolveDefinition(object(ChildDefinition))in ResolveChildDefinitionsPass.php line 62

at ResolveChildDefinitionsPass->resolveDefinition(object(ChildDefinition))in ResolveChildDefinitionsPass.php line 43

at ResolveChildDefinitionsPass->processValue(object(ChildDefinition), true)in AbstractRecursivePass.php line 60

at AbstractRecursivePass->processValue(array('service_container' => object(Definition), 'controller_name_converter' => object(Definition), 'controller_resolver' => object(Definition), 'argument_metadata_factory' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.request_attribute' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.request' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.session' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.service' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.default' => object(Definition), 'argument_resolver.variadic' => object(Definition), 'response_listener' => object(Definition), 'streamed_response_listener' => object(Definition), 'locale_listener' => object(Definition), 'validate_request_listener' => object(Definition), 'resolve_controller_name_subscriber' => object(Definition), 'event_dispatcher' => object(Definition), 'http_kernel' => object(Definition), 'request_stack' => object(Definition), 'cache_warmer' => object(Definition), 'kernel.class_cache.cache_warmer' => object(Definition), 'cache_clearer' => object(Definition), 'kernel' => object(Definition), 'filesystem' => object(Definition), 'file_locator' => object(Definition), 'uri_signer' => object(Definition), 'config_cache_factory' => object(Definition), 'dependency_injection.config.container_parameters_resource_checker' => object(Definition), 'config.reso

We can't acces the backoffice and we don't have any clue about how to solve it

Any ideas?


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  On 8/23/2022 at 11:56 AM, Avengers said:

You need To Clear Cache or Enable Debug Mode to Check the error.


We are just trying to go back, we made a backup for all the archives en cpanel, I think that if we remove all the archives and put the archives in the backup well be able to restore the store, isn't it?

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Some web hosting companies nowadays have 1 click restore of files and databases to old(past) date and daily backup features.

Check with your web hosting company that has this feature, it will save big time and difficulties in manual restore work.

I recommend doing updates on the staging or development server before doing changes on the live or production website.

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