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The slug ROLE_MOD_TAB__READ is invalid [Exception 0]


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When I wan to see AdminStats module in this case Users Online on Admin page I get:

The slug ROLE_MOD_TAB__READ is invalid  [Exception 0]

It is thrown in Access.php in line 74:

    public static function isGranted($role, $idProfile)
        foreach ((array) $role as $currentRole) {

            if (isset($matches['type']) && $matches['type'] == 'TAB') {
                $joinTable = _DB_PREFIX_ . 'access';
            } elseif (isset($matches['type']) && $matches['type'] == 'MODULE') {
                $joinTable = _DB_PREFIX_ . 'module_access';
            } else {
                throw new Exception('The slug ' . $currentRole . ' is invalid');

            $currentRole = Db::getInstance()->escape($currentRole);

            $isCurrentGranted = (bool) Db::getInstance()->getRow('
                SELECT t.`id_authorization_role`
                FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'authorization_role` t
                LEFT JOIN ' . $joinTable . ' j
                ON j.`id_authorization_role` = t.`id_authorization_role`
                WHERE `slug` = "' . $currentRole . '"
                AND j.`id_profile` = "' . (int) $idProfile . '"

            if (!$isCurrentGranted) {
                return false;

        return true;


When I comment out all function body and leave only return true, it starts working. But it;s only temporay solution I guess. Any sugestions?

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