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Ali Samie

Ali Samie

12 minutes ago, @rthur said:
        		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `instaps_image` WHERE id_product='.$products[$key]['id_product'].' ORDER BY cover DESC, position DESC LIMIT 1';
        		//echo $sql.'<br>';
        		$result2 = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql, true, false);

Vérifiez également si le nom de la table est correct. avez-vous une table comme 'instaps_image' ou 'ps_instaps_image' ??

Ali Samie

Ali Samie

11 minutes ago, @rthur said:
        		$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `instaps_image` WHERE id_product='.$products[$key]['id_product'].' ORDER BY cover DESC, position DESC LIMIT 1';
        		//echo $sql.'<br>';
        		$result2 = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS($sql, true, false);

Also check if the table name is correct. do you have a table like 'instaps_image' or 'ps_instaps_image' ??

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