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Hi :)

I am working on a client's online store and the best selling page is at the wrong url address. When entering http://localhost/test/best-sales, I get the following message:

[Debug] This page has moved
Please use the following URL instead: http://localhost/test/index.php?Controller=best-sales

In the panel in the Traffic & SEO tab, the item bestsales was removed, so I created it again by adding Rewritten URL = best-sales.

Can someone help and tell how can I replace the URL http: //localhost/test/index.php?Controller=best-sales with http:// localhost/test /best-sales



Hi :)

I am working on a client's online store and the best selling page is at the wrong url address. When entering http://localhost/sylt/best-sales, I get the following message:

[Debug] This page has moved
Please use the following URL instead: http://localhost/test/index.php?Controller=best-sales

In the panel in the Traffic & SEO tab, the item bestsales was removed, so I created it again by adding Rewritten URL = best-sales.

Can someone help and tell how can I replace the URL http: //localhost/test/index.php?Controller=best-sales with http:// localhost/test /best-sales

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