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[FREE MODULE] Language Per Domain


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This module allows you to set a domain for every installed language.

379111513_Screenshot2020-06-12at15_00_18.png.a6a80374621c8b98d1c298601a97475f.pngThat means you can set a domain extension for each installed language.

No multistore is needed!

Have a unique domain for every language (or country) that you are selling your products.


Once you set a domain for every language the module does the following

  • Removes the language in behind the url
  • Adds a language selector in the front office
  • Rewrites all the urls for the selected language
  • No multistore for multiple urls
  • Front office language selector redirects to corresponding url
  • Upon changing language in front office, you keep your shopping cart

Easier to have a domain for their preferred language

After installation set the desired URL for each language you have installed.

Even when you are using multistore you can set a domain for every language in every multistore.



Prestashop's module: Language selector block does not function anymore.

But this module has a language selector build in for the front office.


Prestashop 1.7

Download: languageperdomain.zip


Any ideas, comments or updates? Check GIT

* Update V.1.1.1 20-02-2023 Links send from admin adjusted to customer's language
* Update V.1.3 27-07-2023 You can put any language/store url on maintenance mode and minor bug fixes.

Edited by Inform-All
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...


thanks for sharing this module.

Same problem for me. I get 500 errors and even though debug mode is enabled it is not working and we have no extra info.

Our Prestashop version is as for the php version it is set to 7.4 for every of our subdomains. There must be an issue with the way htaccess is rewritten because as we disable the URL rewriting the site seems to work correctly.

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  On 12/7/2022 at 10:22 AM, jr.villaron said:


thanks for sharing this module.

Same problem for me. I get 500 errors and even though debug mode is enabled it is not working and we have no extra info.

Our Prestashop version is as for the php version it is set to 7.4 for every of our subdomains. There must be an issue with the way htaccess is rewritten because as we disable the URL rewriting the site seems to work correctly.


Rewritten urls should also work without a problem.
Unless you have any custom .htaccess rewrites i cant (of course) tell anything about that.

In the database "shop_url" it should contain all the desired urls and they should all point to the same shop id.
And i have added a screenshot with the advised settings for "Shop Parameters > Traffic & SEO" 


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I attach a screenshot of our ps_shop_url table. I imagine that everything is ok but we are displaying at the same time the original line (where physical_uri is /) and the next lines which correspond with the lines creating after the module was configured.

Does everything look ok for you in the table?



Edited by jr.villaron
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  On 12/7/2022 at 1:44 PM, jr.villaron said:


I attach a screenshot of our ps_shop_url table. I imagine that everything is ok but we are displaying at the same time the original line (where physical_uri is /) and the next lines which correspond with the lines creating after the module was configured.

Does everything look ok for you in the table?




Yes, this looks good.
And i've tested your URLS and it is working perfectly already. 

Please clear all your local cookies from your device(s).

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Yeah the homepages work fine but when I try to visit other pages (categories, products, cms pages, even account pages) I get 500 error and no extra info about the error (debug mode is enabled)

For example : https://test.haritza.com/3-vetements

PS : Could you please edit your answer and remove my attached screenshot please ? I have just noticed that host address is shown 😒

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  • 3 weeks later...


Same problem for and PHP 7.4, it's doesn't work (with last version).

Debug is in capture to have an idea.



Also, is it possible to keep same URI for 3 domains for instance and have only 1 domain for a specific domain only.


EN -> www.website.com/en
ES -> www.website.com/es

DE-> www.website.de/de

I made a test but it retourn an error because duplicate URI.



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  On 3/14/2023 at 8:02 AM, prestaconfig said:


Same problem for and PHP 7.4, it's doesn't work (with last version).

Debug is in capture to have an idea.



Also, is it possible to keep same URI for 3 domains for instance and have only 1 domain for a specific domain only.


EN -> www.website.com/en
ES -> www.website.com/es

DE-> www.website.de/de

I made a test but it retourn an error because duplicate URI.




I have not had the time to test this module for PS

It's not possible to have the example you showed.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi @Inform-All


I hope you are still available, it's been a while.

I noticed your plugin and I would be willing to buy it without any problem but my request (I think) is slightly different from what you developed.

My goal is to move the language selector to the subdomain, so as to obtain:

  • it_CH.prestashop.com
  • de_CH.prestashop.com
  • fr_CH.prestashop.com

Is this possible? If not? Can you develop a custom version for me? I use Prestashop 8.2 fresh, just installed just to evaluate the feasibility of this requested function, but for the moment I have not been able to find it with Prestashop, even activating the Multistore (which is a different thing).


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  On 3/17/2025 at 7:34 PM, Danrobot said:

Hi @Inform-All


I hope you are still available, it's been a while.

I noticed your plugin and I would be willing to buy it without any problem but my request (I think) is slightly different from what you developed.

My goal is to move the language selector to the subdomain, so as to obtain:

  • it_CH.prestashop.com
  • de_CH.prestashop.com
  • fr_CH.prestashop.com

Is this possible? If not? Can you develop a custom version for me? I use Prestashop 8.2 fresh, just installed just to evaluate the feasibility of this requested function, but for the moment I have not been able to find it with Prestashop, even activating the Multistore (which is a different thing).



Hi Danrobot,

This module can do this without any problem!
But i have not tested this module for Prestashop 8, so please let me know if it works for Prestashop 8.

If it does not function for Prestashop 8, send me a private message so i can make a quotation to update this module for Prestashop 8.
(this module is made and paid by the Prestashop Community, i develop/update modules and afterwards share them with the community again)

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